Name Last update
apidoc Loading commit data...
authclient Loading commit data...
bootstrap Loading commit data...
codeception Loading commit data...
composer Loading commit data...
debug Loading commit data...
elasticsearch Loading commit data...
faker Loading commit data...
gii Loading commit data...
imagine Loading commit data...
jui Loading commit data...
mongodb Loading commit data...
redis Loading commit data...
smarty Loading commit data...
sphinx Loading commit data...
swiftmailer Loading commit data...
twig Loading commit data... Loading commit data...

This folder contains official Yii 2 extensions.

To add a new extension named xyz (must be in lower case), take the following steps:

  1. create a folder named xyz under yii and put all relevant source code there;
  2. create the following accessory files (please refer to any existing extension):
    • composer.json
  3. ask Qiang to create a subsplit for xyz and a composer package named yii2-xyz;
  4. modify /composer.json and add yiisoft/yii2-xyz to the replace section;
  5. If an extension contains js/css files or depends on external bower packages:
    • create bower.json
    • ask Qiang to register a bower package with the name yii2-xyz