Commit ef13a11f by Carsten Brandt

moved getPDOType() back to Command to avoid dependency on Schema

fixes #854
parent cc09ef56
No related merge requests found
......@@ -181,7 +181,7 @@ class Command extends \yii\base\Component
if ($dataType === null) {
$this->pdoStatement->bindParam($name, $value, $this->db->schema->getPdoType($value));
$this->pdoStatement->bindParam($name, $value, $this->getPdoType($value));
} elseif ($length === null) {
$this->pdoStatement->bindParam($name, $value, $dataType);
} elseif ($driverOptions === null) {
......@@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ class Command extends \yii\base\Component
if ($dataType === null) {
$this->pdoStatement->bindValue($name, $value, $this->db->schema->getPdoType($value));
$this->pdoStatement->bindValue($name, $value, $this->getPdoType($value));
} else {
$this->pdoStatement->bindValue($name, $value, $dataType);
......@@ -236,7 +236,7 @@ class Command extends \yii\base\Component
$type = $value[1];
$value = $value[0];
} else {
$type = $this->db->schema->getPdoType($value);
$type = $this->getPdoType($value);
$this->pdoStatement->bindValue($name, $value, $type);
$this->_params[$name] = $value;
......@@ -246,6 +246,25 @@ class Command extends \yii\base\Component
* Determines the PDO type for the given PHP data value.
* @param mixed $data the data whose PDO type is to be determined
* @return integer the PDO type
* @see
private function getPdoType($data)
static $typeMap = array( // php type => PDO type
'boolean' => \PDO::PARAM_BOOL,
'integer' => \PDO::PARAM_INT,
'string' => \PDO::PARAM_STR,
'resource' => \PDO::PARAM_LOB,
$type = gettype($data);
return isset($typeMap[$type]) ? $typeMap[$type] : \PDO::PARAM_STR;
* Executes the SQL statement.
* This method should only be used for executing non-query SQL statement, such as `INSERT`, `DELETE`, `UPDATE` SQLs.
* No result set will be returned.
......@@ -377,23 +377,4 @@ abstract class Schema extends Object
return 'string';
* Determines the PDO type for the give PHP data value.
* @param mixed $data the data whose PDO type is to be determined
* @return integer the PDO type
* @see
public function getPdoType($data)
static $typeMap = array( // php type => PDO type
'boolean' => \PDO::PARAM_BOOL,
'integer' => \PDO::PARAM_INT,
'string' => \PDO::PARAM_STR,
'resource' => \PDO::PARAM_LOB,
$type = gettype($data);
return isset($typeMap[$type]) ? $typeMap[$type] : \PDO::PARAM_STR;
......@@ -237,23 +237,4 @@ class Schema extends \yii\db\Schema
return $tableNames;
* Determines the PDO type for the give PHP data value.
* @param mixed $data the data whose PDO type is to be determined
* @return integer the PDO type
* @see
public function getPdoType($data)
static $typeMap = array(
'boolean' => \PDO::PARAM_INT, // CUBRID PDO does not support PARAM_BOOL
'integer' => \PDO::PARAM_INT,
'string' => \PDO::PARAM_STR,
'resource' => \PDO::PARAM_LOB,
$type = gettype($data);
return isset($typeMap[$type]) ? $typeMap[$type] : \PDO::PARAM_STR;
......@@ -72,9 +72,7 @@ CREATE TABLE `tbl_type` (
`float_col2` double DEFAULT '1.23',
`blob_col` blob,
`numeric_col` decimal(5,2) DEFAULT '33.22',
`time` timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT '2002-01-01 00:00:00',
`bool_col` smallint NOT NULL,
`bool_col2` smallint DEFAULT 1
`time` timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT '2002-01-01 00:00:00'
CREATE TABLE `tbl_composite_fk` (
......@@ -219,6 +219,29 @@ class CommandTest extends DatabaseTestCase
$this->assertTrue(is_array($result) && isset($result[0]));
// getPDOType is currently private
// public function testGetPDOType()
// {
// $values = array(
// array(null, \PDO::PARAM_NULL),
// array('', \PDO::PARAM_STR),
// array('hello', \PDO::PARAM_STR),
// array(0, \PDO::PARAM_INT),
// array(1, \PDO::PARAM_INT),
// array(1337, \PDO::PARAM_INT),
// array(true, \PDO::PARAM_BOOL),
// array(false, \PDO::PARAM_BOOL),
// array($fp=fopen(__FILE__, 'rb'), \PDO::PARAM_LOB),
// );
// $command = $this->getConnection()->createCommand();
// foreach($values as $value) {
// $this->assertEquals($value[1], $command->getPdoType($value[0]));
// }
// fclose($fp);
// }
public function testInsert()
......@@ -11,29 +11,6 @@ use yii\db\Schema;
class SchemaTest extends DatabaseTestCase
public function testGetPDOType()
$values = array(
array(null, \PDO::PARAM_NULL),
array('', \PDO::PARAM_STR),
array('hello', \PDO::PARAM_STR),
array(0, \PDO::PARAM_INT),
array(1, \PDO::PARAM_INT),
array(1337, \PDO::PARAM_INT),
array(true, \PDO::PARAM_BOOL),
array(false, \PDO::PARAM_BOOL),
array($fp=fopen(__FILE__, 'rb'), \PDO::PARAM_LOB),
$schema = $this->getConnection()->schema;
foreach($values as $value) {
$this->assertEquals($value[1], $schema->getPdoType($value[0]));
public function testFindTableNames()
/** @var Schema $schema */
namespace yiiunit\framework\db\cubrid;
use yiiunit\data\ar\Customer;
use yiiunit\framework\db\ActiveRecordTest;
......@@ -10,4 +11,26 @@ use yiiunit\framework\db\ActiveRecordTest;
class CubridActiveRecordTest extends ActiveRecordTest
public $driverName = 'cubrid';
* cubrid PDO does not support boolean values.
* Make sure this does not affect AR layer.
public function testBooleanAttribute()
$customer = new Customer();
$customer->name = 'boolean customer';
$customer->email = '';
$customer->status = true;
$this->assertEquals(1, $customer->status);
$customer->status = false;
$this->assertEquals(0, $customer->status);
......@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ class CubridCommandTest extends CommandTest
$command->bindParam(':email', $email);
$this->assertEquals($name, $command->queryScalar());
$sql = "INSERT INTO tbl_type (int_col, char_col, char_col2, enum_col, float_col, blob_col, numeric_col, bool_col, bool_col2) VALUES (:int_col, '', :char_col, :enum_col, :float_col, CHAR_TO_BLOB(:blob_col), :numeric_col, :bool_col, :bool_col2)";
$sql = "INSERT INTO tbl_type (int_col, char_col, char_col2, enum_col, float_col, blob_col, numeric_col) VALUES (:int_col, '', :char_col, :enum_col, :float_col, CHAR_TO_BLOB(:blob_col), :numeric_col)";
$command = $db->createCommand($sql);
$intCol = 123;
$charCol = 'abc';
......@@ -39,16 +39,12 @@ class CubridCommandTest extends CommandTest
$floatCol = 1.23;
$blobCol = "\x10\x11\x12";
$numericCol = '1.23';
$boolCol = false;
$boolCol2 = true;
$command->bindParam(':int_col', $intCol);
$command->bindParam(':char_col', $charCol);
$command->bindParam(':enum_col', $enumCol);
$command->bindParam(':float_col', $floatCol);
$command->bindParam(':blob_col', $blobCol);
$command->bindParam(':numeric_col', $numericCol);
$command->bindParam(':bool_col', $boolCol);
$command->bindParam(':bool_col2', $boolCol2);
$this->assertEquals(1, $command->execute());
$sql = 'SELECT * FROM tbl_type';
......@@ -59,8 +55,6 @@ class CubridCommandTest extends CommandTest
$this->assertEquals($floatCol, $row['float_col']);
$this->assertEquals($blobCol, fread($row['blob_col'], 3));
$this->assertEquals($numericCol, $row['numeric_col']);
$this->assertEquals($boolCol, $row['bool_col']);
$this->assertEquals($boolCol2, $row['bool_col2']);
// bindValue
$sql = 'INSERT INTO tbl_customer(email, name, address) VALUES (:email, \'user5\', \'address5\')';
......@@ -10,26 +10,4 @@ use yiiunit\framework\db\SchemaTest;
class CubridSchemaTest extends SchemaTest
public $driverName = 'cubrid';
public function testGetPDOType()
$values = array(
null => \PDO::PARAM_NULL,
'' => \PDO::PARAM_STR,
'hello' => \PDO::PARAM_STR,
1337 => \PDO::PARAM_INT,
true => \PDO::PARAM_INT, // CUBRID PDO does not support PARAM_BOOL
false => \PDO::PARAM_INT, // CUBRID PDO does not support PARAM_BOOL
$schema = $this->getConnection()->schema;
foreach($values as $value => $type) {
$this->assertEquals($type, $schema->getPdoType($value));
$this->assertEquals(\PDO::PARAM_LOB, $schema->getPdoType($fp=fopen(__FILE__, 'rb')));
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