Commit 955bf7da by Carsten Brandt

basic CRUD for elastic search WIP

parent a94886fa
No related merge requests found
......@@ -6,6 +6,8 @@
namespace yii\elasticsearch;
use Guzzle\Http\Client;
use Guzzle\Http\Exception\MultiTransferException;
use yii\base\NotSupportedException;
use yii\db\Exception;
use yii\helpers\Json;
......@@ -78,14 +80,20 @@ class ActiveQuery extends \yii\base\Component
public $asArray;
* @var array the columns being selected. For example, `array('id', 'name')`.
* This is used to construct the SELECT clause in a SQL statement. If not set, if means selecting all columns.
* @see select()
public $select;
* @var array the query condition.
* @see where()
public $where;
* @var integer maximum number of records to be returned. If not set or less than 0, it means no limit.
* @var integer maximum number of records to be returned. If not set or less than 0, it means no limit. TODO infinite possible in ES?
public $limit;
public $limit = 10;
* @var integer zero-based offset from where the records are to be returned.
* If not set, it means starting from the beginning.
......@@ -128,12 +136,10 @@ class ActiveQuery extends \yii\base\Component
// TODO add support for orderBy
$data = $this->executeScript('All');
$rows = array();
foreach($data as $dataRow) {
$row = array();
$c = count($dataRow);
for($i = 0; $i < $c; ) {
$row[$dataRow[$i++]] = $dataRow[$i++];
$row = $dataRow['_source'];
$row['id'] = $dataRow['_id'];
$rows[] = $row;
if (!empty($rows)) {
......@@ -157,14 +163,11 @@ class ActiveQuery extends \yii\base\Component
// TODO add support for orderBy
$data = $this->executeScript('One');
if ($data === array()) {
if (!isset($data['_source'])) {
return null;
$row = array();
$c = count($data);
for($i = 0; $i < $c; ) {
$row[$data[$i++]] = $data[$i++];
$row = $data['_source'];
$row['id'] = $data['_id'];
if ($this->asArray) {
$model = $row;
} else {
......@@ -284,12 +287,13 @@ class ActiveQuery extends \yii\base\Component
if (($data = $this->findByPk($type)) === false) {
$modelClass = $this->modelClass;
/** @var Connection $db */
$db = $modelClass::getDb();
$http = $modelClass::getDb()->http();
$method = 'build' . $type;
$script = $db->getLuaScriptBuilder()->$method($this, $columnName);
return $db->executeCommand('EVAL', array($script, 0));
$url = '/' . $modelClass::indexName() . '/' . $modelClass::indexType() . '/_search';
$query = $modelClass::getDb()->getQueryBuilder()->build($this);
$response = $http->post($url, null, Json::encode($query))->send();
$data = Json::decode($response->getBody(true));
return $data['hits']['hits'];
return $data;
......@@ -301,46 +305,47 @@ class ActiveQuery extends \yii\base\Component
$modelClass = $this->modelClass;
if (is_array($this->where) && !isset($this->where[0]) && $modelClass::isPrimaryKey(array_keys($this->where))) {
/** @var Connection $db */
$db = $modelClass::getDb();
/** @var Client $http */
$http = $modelClass::getDb()->http();
$pks = (array) reset($this->where);
$start = $this->offset === null ? 0 : $this->offset;
$i = 0;
$data = array();
$url = '/' . $modelClass::indexName() . '/' . $modelClass::indexType() . '/';
$query = array('docs' => array());
foreach($pks as $pk) {
if (++$i > $start && ($this->limit === null || $i <= $start + $this->limit)) {
$request = $db->http()->get($url . $pk);
$response = $request->send();
if ($response->getStatusCode() == 404) {
// ignore?
} else {
$data[] = Json::decode($response->getBody(true));
if ($type === 'One' && $this->orderBy === null) {
$doc = array('_id' => $pk);
if (!empty($this->select)) {
$doc['fields'] = $this->select;
$query['docs'][] = $doc;
$url = '/' . $modelClass::indexName() . '/' . $modelClass::indexType() . '/_mget';
$response = $http->post($url, null, Json::encode($query))->send();
$data = Json::decode($response->getBody(true));
$start = $this->offset === null ? 0 : $this->offset;
$data = array_slice($data['docs'], $start, $this->limit);
// TODO support orderBy
switch($type) {
case 'All':
return $data;
case 'One':
return reset($data);
return empty($data) ? null : reset($data);
case 'Column':
// TODO support indexBy
$column = array();
foreach($data as $dataRow) {
$row = array();
$c = count($dataRow);
for($i = 0; $i < $c; ) {
$row[$dataRow[$i++]] = $dataRow[$i++];
foreach($data as $row) {
$row['_source']['id'] = $row['_id'];
if ($this->indexBy === null) {
$column[] = $row['_source'][$columnName];
} else {
if (is_string($this->indexBy)) {
$key = $row['_source'][$this->indexBy];
} else {
$key = call_user_func($this->indexBy, $row['_source']);
$models[$key] = $row;
$column[] = $row[$columnName];
return $column;
case 'Count':
......@@ -414,6 +419,24 @@ class ActiveQuery extends \yii\base\Component
* Sets the SELECT part of the query.
* @param string|array $columns the columns to be selected.
* Columns can be specified in either a string (e.g. "id, name") or an array (e.g. array('id', 'name')).
* Columns can contain table prefixes (e.g. "") and/or column aliases (e.g. " AS user_id").
* The method will automatically quote the column names unless a column contains some parenthesis
* (which means the column contains a DB expression).
* @return Query the query object itself
public function select($columns)
if (!is_array($columns)) {
$columns = preg_split('/\s*,\s*/', trim($columns), -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
$this->select = $columns;
return $this;
* Sets the ORDER BY part of the query.
* @param string|array $columns the columns (and the directions) to be ordered by.
* Columns can be specified in either a string (e.g. "id ASC, name DESC") or an array
......@@ -64,38 +64,42 @@ abstract class ActiveRecord extends \yii\db\ActiveRecord
public static function updateAll($attributes, $condition = null, $params = array())
// TODO add support for further options as described in
if (empty($attributes)) {
return 0;
$db = static::getDb();
foreach(static::fetchPks($condition) as $pk) {
$newPk = $pk;
$pk = static::buildKey($pk);
$key = static::tableName() . ':a:' . $pk;
// save attributes
$args = array($key);
foreach($attributes as $attribute => $value) {
if (isset($newPk[$attribute])) {
$newPk[$attribute] = $value;
$args[] = $attribute;
$args[] = $value;
if (count($condition) != 1 || !isset($condition[reset(static::primaryKey())])) {
throw new NotSupportedException('UpdateAll is only supported by primary key in elasticsearch.');
if (isset($attributes[reset(static::primaryKey())])) {
throw new NotSupportedException('Updating the primary key is currently not supported by elasticsearch.');
$query = '';
foreach((array) reset($condition) as $pk) {
if (is_array($pk)) {
$pk = reset($pk);
$newPk = static::buildKey($newPk);
$newKey = static::tableName() . ':a:' . $newPk;
// rename index if pk changed
if ($newPk != $pk) {
$db->executeCommand('HMSET', $args);
$db->executeCommand('LINSERT', array(static::tableName(), 'AFTER', $pk, $newPk));
$db->executeCommand('LREM', array(static::tableName(), 0, $pk));
$db->executeCommand('RENAME', array($key, $newKey));
} else {
$db->executeCommand('HMSET', $args);
$action = Json::encode(array(
"update" => array(
"_id" => $pk,
"_type" => static::indexType(),
"_index" => static::indexName(),
$data = Json::encode(array(
"doc" => $attributes
$query .= $action . "\n" . $data . "\n";
// TODO implement pk change
$url = '/' . static::indexName() . '/' . static::indexType() . '/_bulk';
$response = static::getDb()->http()->post($url, array(), $query)->send();
$body = Json::decode($response->getBody(true));
foreach($body['items'] as $item) {
if ($item['update']['ok']) {
return $n;
......@@ -117,19 +121,7 @@ abstract class ActiveRecord extends \yii\db\ActiveRecord
public static function updateAllCounters($counters, $condition = null, $params = array())
if (empty($counters)) {
return 0;
$db = static::getDb();
foreach(static::fetchPks($condition) as $pk) {
$key = static::tableName() . ':a:' . static::buildKey($pk);
foreach($counters as $attribute => $value) {
$db->executeCommand('HINCRBY', array($key, $attribute, $value));
return $n;
throw new NotSupportedException('Update Counters is not supported by elasticsearch.');
......@@ -149,23 +141,36 @@ abstract class ActiveRecord extends \yii\db\ActiveRecord
public static function deleteAll($condition = null, $params = array())
$db = static::getDb();
$attributeKeys = array();
$pks = static::fetchPks($condition);
foreach($pks as $pk) {
$pk = static::buildKey($pk);
$db->executeCommand('LREM', array(static::tableName(), 0, $pk));
$attributeKeys[] = static::tableName() . ':a:' . $pk;
// TODO use delete By Query feature
if (count($condition) != 1 || !isset($condition[reset(static::primaryKey())])) {
throw new NotSupportedException('DeleteAll is only supported by primary key in elasticsearch.');
if (empty($attributeKeys)) {
return 0;
$query = '';
foreach((array) reset($condition) as $pk) {
if (is_array($pk)) {
$pk = reset($pk);
$query .= Json::encode(array(
"delete" => array(
"_id" => $pk,
"_type" => static::indexType(),
"_index" => static::indexName(),
)) . "\n";
$url = '/' . static::indexName() . '/' . static::indexType() . '/_bulk';
$response = static::getDb()->http()->post($url, array(), $query)->send();
$body = Json::decode($response->getBody(true));
foreach($body['items'] as $item) {
if ($item['delete']['ok']) {
$db->executeCommand('DEL', $attributeKeys);
$result = $db->executeCommand('EXEC');
return end($result);
return $n;
* Creates an [[ActiveQuery]] instance.
* This method is called by [[find()]], [[findBySql()]] and [[count()]] to start a SELECT query.
......@@ -189,16 +194,6 @@ abstract class ActiveRecord extends \yii\db\ActiveRecord
return static::getTableSchema()->name;
* This method is ment to be overridden in redis ActiveRecord subclasses to return a [[RecordSchema]] instance.
* @return RecordSchema
* @throws \yii\base\InvalidConfigException
public static function getRecordSchema()
throw new InvalidConfigException(__CLASS__.'::getRecordSchema() needs to be overridden in subclasses and return a RecordSchema.');
public static function primaryKey()
return array('id');
......@@ -160,27 +160,18 @@ class Connection extends Component
// TODO HTTP request to localhost:9200/
public function http()
public function getQueryBuilder()
return new \Guzzle\Http\Client('http://localhost:9200/');
public function get($url)
$c = $this->initCurl($url);
$result = curl_exec($c);
return new QueryBuilder($this);
private function initCurl($url)
* @return \Guzzle\Http\Client
public function http()
$c = curl_init('http://localhost:9200/' . $url);
$fp = fopen("example_homepage.txt", "w");
curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, false);
curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_FILE, $fp);
curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0);
$guzzle = new \Guzzle\Http\Client('http://localhost:9200/');
return $guzzle;
\ No newline at end of file
* Created by JetBrains PhpStorm.
* User: cebe
* Date: 30.09.13
* Time: 11:39
* To change this template use File | Settings | File Templates.
namespace yii\elasticsearch;
use yii\base\Component;
class Query extends Component
\ No newline at end of file
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