Commit 8b644787 by Carsten Brandt

refactored numberformatting in base\Formatter

added decimalSeparator and thousandSeparator properties. issue #48
parent 01c20996
No related merge requests found
......@@ -42,6 +42,14 @@ class Formatter extends Component
* to the text display for false, the second element for true. Defaults to <code>array('No', 'Yes')</code>.
public $booleanFormat;
* @var string the character displayed as the decimal point when formatting a number.
public $decimalSeparator = '.';
* @var string the character displayed as the thousands separator character when formatting a number.
public $thousandSeparator = ',';
......@@ -257,13 +265,15 @@ class Formatter extends Component
* Formats the value as a double number.
* Property [[decimalSeparator]] will be used to represent the decimal point.
* @param mixed $value the value to be formatted
* @param integer $decimals the number of digits after the decimal point
* @return string the formatting result.
* @see decimalSeparator
public function asDouble($value, $decimals = 2)
return sprintf("%.{$decimals}f", $value);
return str_replace('.', $this->decimalSeparator, sprintf("%.{$decimals}f", $value));
......@@ -271,12 +281,12 @@ class Formatter extends Component
* This method calls the PHP number_format() function to do the formatting.
* @param mixed $value the value to be formatted
* @param integer $decimals the number of digits after the decimal point
* @param string $decimalSeparator the character displayed as the decimal point
* @param string $thousandSeparator the character displayed as the thousands separator character.
* @return string the formatted result
* @see decimalSeparator
* @see thousandSeparator
public function asNumber($value, $decimals = 0 , $decimalSeparator = '.' , $thousandSeparator = ',' )
public function asNumber($value, $decimals = 0)
return number_format($value, $decimals, $decimalSeparator, $thousandSeparator);
return number_format($value, $decimals, $this->decimalSeparator, $this->thousandSeparator);
......@@ -140,6 +140,10 @@ class FormatterTest extends TestCase
$this->assertSame("123", $this->formatter->asInteger($value));
$value = 'a';
$this->assertSame("0", $this->formatter->asInteger($value));
$value = -123.23;
$this->assertSame("-123", $this->formatter->asInteger($value));
$value = "-123abc";
$this->assertSame("-123", $this->formatter->asInteger($value));
public function testAsDouble()
......@@ -147,12 +151,29 @@ class FormatterTest extends TestCase
$value = 123.12;
$this->assertSame("123.12", $this->formatter->asDouble($value));
$this->assertSame("123.1", $this->formatter->asDouble($value, 1));
$this->assertSame("123", $this->formatter->asDouble($value, 0));
$value = 123;
$this->assertSame("123.00", $this->formatter->asDouble($value));
$this->formatter->decimalSeparator = ',';
$value = 123.12;
$this->assertSame("123,12", $this->formatter->asDouble($value));
$this->assertSame("123,1", $this->formatter->asDouble($value, 1));
$this->assertSame("123", $this->formatter->asDouble($value, 0));
$value = 123123.123;
$this->assertSame("123123,12", $this->formatter->asDouble($value));
public function testAsNumber()
$value = 123123.123;
$this->assertSame("123,123", $this->formatter->asNumber($value));
$this->assertSame("123.123,12", $this->formatter->asNumber($value, 2, ',', '.'));
$this->assertSame("123,123.12", $this->formatter->asNumber($value, 2));
$this->formatter->decimalSeparator = ',';
$this->formatter->thousandSeparator = ' ';
$this->assertSame("123 123", $this->formatter->asNumber($value));
$this->assertSame("123 123,12", $this->formatter->asNumber($value, 2));
$this->formatter->thousandSeparator = '';
$this->assertSame("123123", $this->formatter->asNumber($value));
$this->assertSame("123123,12", $this->formatter->asNumber($value, 2));
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