Commit 8b375c35 by Qiang Xue

clean up oci driver.

parent 7eabab06
namespace yii\db\oci;
class ColumnSchema extends \yii\db\ColumnSchema
* Initializes the column with its DB type and default value.
* This sets up the column's PHP type, size, precision, scale as well as default value.
* @param string $dbType
* the column's DB type
* @param mixed $defaultValue
* the default value
public function extract($dbType, $defaultValue)
$this->dbType = $dbType;
if ($defaultValue !== null)
* Extracts the PHP type from DB type.
* @param string $dbType
* DB type
* @return string
protected function extractOraType($dbType)
if (strpos($dbType, 'FLOAT') !== false)
return 'double';
if (strpos($dbType, 'NUMBER') !== false || strpos($dbType, 'INTEGER') !== false) {
if (strpos($dbType, '(') && preg_match('/\((.*)\)/', $dbType, $matches)) {
$values = explode(',', $matches[1]);
if (isset($values[1]) and (((int) $values[1]) > 0))
return 'double';
return 'integer';
} else
return 'double';
} else
return 'string';
* Extracts the PHP type from DB type.
* @param string $dbType
* DB type
protected function extractType($dbType)
$this->type = $this->extractOraType($dbType);
* Extracts size, precision and scale information from column's DB type.
* @param string $dbType
* the column's DB type
protected function extractLimit($dbType)
if (strpos($dbType, '(') && preg_match('/\((.*)\)/', $dbType, $matches)) {
$values = explode(',', $matches[1]);
$this->size = $this->precision = (int) $values[0];
if (isset($values[1]))
$this->scale = (int) $values[1];
* Extracts the default value for the column.
* The value is typecasted to correct PHP type.
* @param mixed $defaultValue
* the default value obtained from metadata
protected function extractDefault($defaultValue)
if (stripos($defaultValue, 'timestamp') !== false) {
$this->defaultValue = null;
} else {
$this->defaultValue = $this->typecast($defaultValue);
* @link
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2008 Yii Software LLC
* @license
namespace yii\db\oci;
use yii\db\Exception;
use yii\base\InvalidParamException;
* QueryBuilder is the query builder for Oracle databases.
class QueryBuilder extends \yii\db\QueryBuilder
private $sql;
public function build($query)
// var_dump($query);exit;
$params = $query->params;
$clauses = [
$this->buildSelect ( $query->select, $query->distinct, $query->selectOption ),
$this->buildFrom ( $query->from ),
$this->buildJoin ( $query->join, $params ),
$this->buildWhere ( $query->where, $params ),
$this->buildGroupBy ( $query->groupBy ),
$this->buildHaving ( $query->having, $params ),
$this->buildUnion ( $query->union, $params ),
$this->buildOrderBy ( $query->orderBy )
// $this->buildLimit($query->limit, $query->offset),
// var_dump( [implode($this->separator, array_filter($clauses)), $params]);exit;
$this->sql = implode($this->separator, array_filter($clauses));
if (! is_null($query->limit) && ! is_null($query->offset)) {
$this->sql = $this->buildLimit($query->limit, $query->offset);
return [
// return [implode($this->separator, array_filter($clauses)), $params];
public function buildLimit($limit, $offset)
// var_dump($limit >= 0);
// var_dump($offset);exit;
// var_dump($limit, $offset);
if (($limit < 0) && ($offset < 0)) {
return $this->sql;
$filters = array();
if ($offset > 0) {
$filters[] = 'rowNumId > ' . (int) $offset;
if ($limit >= 0) {
$filters[] = 'rownum <= ' . (int) $limit;
if (count($filters) > 0) {
$filter = implode(' and ', $filters);
$filter = " WHERE " . $filter;
} else {
$filter = '';
$sql = <<<EOD
private $sql;
public function build($query)
// var_dump($query);exit;
$params = $query->params;
$clauses = [
$this->buildSelect($query->select, $query->distinct, $query->selectOption),
$this->buildJoin($query->join, $params),
$this->buildWhere($query->where, $params),
$this->buildHaving($query->having, $params),
$this->buildUnion($query->union, $params),
$this->sql = implode($this->separator, array_filter($clauses));
if ($query->limit !== null || $query->offset !== null) {
$this->sql = $this->buildLimit($query->limit, $query->offset);
return [$this->sql, $params];
public function buildLimit($limit, $offset)
if (($limit < 0) && ($offset < 0)) {
return $this->sql;
$filters = array();
if ($offset > 0) {
$filters[] = 'rowNumId > ' . (int)$offset;
if ($limit >= 0) {
$filters[] = 'rownum <= ' . (int)$limit;
if (count($filters) > 0) {
$filter = implode(' and ', $filters);
$filter = " WHERE " . $filter;
} else {
$filter = '';
$sql = <<<EOD
WITH USER_SQL AS ({$this->sql}),
return $sql;
return $sql;
* Builds a SQL statement for renaming a DB table.
* @param string $table the table to be renamed. The name will be properly quoted by the method.
* @param string $newName the new table name. The name will be properly quoted by the method.
* @return string the SQL statement for renaming a DB table.
public function renameTable($table, $newName)
return 'ALTER TABLE ' . $this->db->quoteTableName($table) . ' RENAME TO ' . $this->db->quoteTableName($newName);
* Builds a SQL statement for changing the definition of a column.
* @param string $table the table whose column is to be changed. The table name will be properly quoted by the method.
* @param string $column the name of the column to be changed. The name will be properly quoted by the method.
* @param string $type the new column type. The {@link getColumnType} method will be invoked to convert abstract column type (if any)
* into the physical one. Anything that is not recognized as abstract type will be kept in the generated SQL.
* For example, 'string' will be turned into 'varchar(255)', while 'string not null' will become 'varchar(255) not null'.
* @return string the SQL statement for changing the definition of a column.
public function alterColumn($table, $column, $type)
$type = $this->getColumnType($type);
return 'ALTER TABLE ' . $this->db->quoteTableName($table) . ' MODIFY ' . $this->db->quoteColumnName($column) . ' ' . $this->getColumnType($type);
* Builds a SQL statement for dropping an index.
* @param string $name the name of the index to be dropped. The name will be properly quoted by the method.
* @param string $table the table whose index is to be dropped. The name will be properly quoted by the method.
* @return string the SQL statement for dropping an index.
public function dropIndex($name, $table)
return 'DROP INDEX ' . $this->db->quoteTableName($name);
* @inheritdoc
public function resetSequence($table, $value = null)
$tableSchema = $this->db->getTableSchema($table);
if ($tableSchema === null) {
throw new InvalidParamException("Unknown table: $table");
if ($tableSchema->sequenceName === null) {
return '';
if ($value !== null) {
$value = (int)$value;
} else {
$value = (int)$this->db->createCommand("SELECT MAX(\"{$tableSchema->primaryKey}\") FROM \"{$tableSchema->name}\"")->queryScalar();
return "DROP SEQUENCE \"{$tableSchema->name}_SEQ\";"
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