Commit 7599d786 by Qiang Xue

refactored getAlias and setAlias.

parent f22dd82f
......@@ -141,15 +141,26 @@ class YiiBase
* Translates a path alias into an actual path.
* The path alias can be either a root alias registered via [[setAlias]] or an
* alias starting with a root alias (e.g. `@yii/base/Component.php`).
* In the latter case, the root alias will be replaced by the corresponding registered path
* and the remaining part will be appended to it.
* The translation is done according to the following procedure:
* In case the given parameter is not an alias (i.e., not starting with '@'),
* it will be returned back without change.
* 1. If the given alias does not start with '@', it is returned back without change;
* 2. Otherwise, look for the longest registered alias that matches the beginning part
* of the given alias. If it exists, replace the matching part of the given alias with
* the corresponding registered path.
* 3. Throw an exception or return false, depending on the `$throwException` parameter.
* For example, by default '@yii' is registered as the alias to the Yii framework directory,
* say '/path/to/yii'. The alias '@yii/web' would then be translated into '/path/to/yii/web'.
* If you have registered two aliases '@foo' and '@foo/bar'. Then translating '@foo/bar/config'
* would replace the part '@foo/bar' (instead of '@foo') with the corresponding registered path.
* This is because the longest alias takes precedence.
* However, if the alias to be translated is '@foo/barbar/config', then '@foo' will be replaced
* instead of '@foo/bar', because '/' serves as the boundary character.
* Note, this method does not check if the returned path exists or not.
* Note, this method does not ensure the existence of the resulting path.
* @param string $alias the alias to be translated.
* @param boolean $throwException whether to throw an exception if the given alias is invalid.
* If this is false and an invalid alias is given, false will be returned by this method.
......@@ -159,18 +170,26 @@ class YiiBase
public static function getAlias($alias, $throwException = true)
if (is_string($alias)) {
if (isset(self::$aliases[$alias])) {
return self::$aliases[$alias];
} elseif ($alias === '' || $alias[0] !== '@') { // not an alias
return $alias;
} elseif (($pos = strpos($alias, '/')) !== false || ($pos = strpos($alias, '\\')) !== false) {
$rootAlias = substr($alias, 0, $pos);
if (isset(self::$aliases[$rootAlias])) {
return self::$aliases[$alias] = self::$aliases[$rootAlias] . substr($alias, $pos);
if (strncmp($alias, '@', 1)) {
// not an alias
return $alias;
$pos = strpos($alias, '/');
$root = $pos === false ? $alias : substr($alias, 0, $pos);
if (isset(self::$aliases[$root])) {
if (is_string(self::$aliases[$root])) {
return $pos === false ? self::$aliases[$root] : self::$aliases[$root] . substr($alias, $pos);
} else {
foreach (self::$aliases[$root] as $name => $path) {
if (strpos($alias . '/', $name . '/') === 0) {
return $path . substr($alias, strlen($name));
if ($throwException) {
throw new InvalidParamException("Invalid path alias: $alias");
} else {
......@@ -181,32 +200,61 @@ class YiiBase
* Registers a path alias.
* A path alias is a short name representing a path (a file path, a URL, etc.)
* A path alias must start with '@' (e.g. '@yii').
* A path alias is a short name representing a long path (a file path, a URL, etc.)
* For example, we use '@yii' as the alias of the path to the Yii framework directory.
* Note that this method neither checks the existence of the path nor normalizes the path.
* Any trailing '/' and '\' characters in the path will be trimmed.
* A path alias must start with the character '@' so that it can be easily differentiated
* from non-alias paths.
* @param string $alias the alias name (e.g. "@yii"). It should start with a '@' character
* and should NOT contain the forward slash "/" or the backward slash "\".
* @param string $path the path corresponding to the alias. This can be
* Note that this method does not check if the given path exists or not. All it does is
* to associate the alias with the path.
* Any trailing '/' and '\' characters in the given path will be trimmed.
* @param string $alias the alias name (e.g. "@yii"). It must start with a '@' character.
* It may contain the forward slash '/' which serves as boundary character when performing
* alias translation by [[getAlias()]].
* @param string $path the path corresponding to the alias. Trailing '/' and '\' characters
* will be trimmed. This can be
* - a directory or a file path (e.g. `/tmp`, `/tmp/main.txt`)
* - a URL (e.g. ``)
* - a path alias (e.g. `@yii/base`). In this case, the path alias will be converted into the
* actual path first by calling [[getAlias()]].
* @throws Exception if $path is an invalid alias
* @throws InvalidParamException the alias does not start with '@', or if $path is an invalid alias.
* @see getAlias
public static function setAlias($alias, $path)
if ($path === null) {
} elseif (strncmp($path, '@', 1)) {
self::$aliases[$alias] = rtrim($path, '\\/');
} else {
self::$aliases[$alias] = static::getAlias($path);
if (strncmp($alias, '@', 1)) {
throw new InvalidParamException('The alias must start with the "@" character.');
$pos = strpos($alias, '/');
$root = $pos === false ? $alias : substr($alias, 0, $pos);
if ($path !== null) {
$path = strncmp($path, '@', 1) ? rtrim($path, '\\/') : static::getAlias($path);
if (!isset(self::$aliases[$root])) {
self::$aliases[$root] = $path;
} elseif (is_string(self::$aliases[$root])) {
if ($pos === false) {
self::$aliases[$root] = $path;
} else {
self::$aliases[$root] = array(
$alias => $path,
$root => self::$aliases[$root],
} else {
self::$aliases[$root][$alias] = $path;
} elseif (isset(self::$aliases[$root])) {
if (is_array(self::$aliases[$root])) {
} elseif ($pos === false) {
......@@ -258,14 +306,8 @@ class YiiBase
// search include_path
if (!isset($classFile) && self::$enableIncludePath) {
foreach (array_unique(explode(PATH_SEPARATOR, get_include_path())) as $basePath) {
$fullPath = $basePath . '/' . $path;
if (is_file($fullPath)) {
$classFile = $fullPath;
if (!isset($classFile) && self::$enableIncludePath && ($fullPath = stream_resolve_include_path($path)) !== false) {
$classFile = $fullPath;
if (!isset($classFile)) {
......@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
namespace yii\caching;
use yii\base\InvalidConfigException;
use Yii;
* FileCache implements a cache component using files.
......@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ class FileCache extends Cache
public function init()
$this->cachePath = \Yii::getAlias($this->cachePath);
$this->cachePath = Yii::getAlias($this->cachePath);
if (!is_dir($this->cachePath)) {
mkdir($this->cachePath, 0777, true);
namespace yiiunit\framework;
use Yii;
use yiiunit\TestCase;
......@@ -8,19 +9,50 @@ use yiiunit\TestCase;
class YiiBaseTest extends TestCase
public $aliases;
public function setUp()
$this->aliases = Yii::$aliases;
public function tearDown()
Yii::$aliases = $this->aliases;
public function testAlias()
$this->assertEquals(YII_PATH, Yii::getAlias('@yii'));
Yii::$aliases = array();
$this->assertFalse(Yii::getAlias('@yii', false));
Yii::setAlias('@yii', '/yii/framework');
$this->assertEquals('/yii/framework', Yii::getAlias('@yii'));
$this->assertEquals('/yii/framework/test/file', Yii::getAlias('@yii/test/file'));
Yii::setAlias('@yii/gii', '/yii/gii');
$this->assertEquals('/yii/framework', Yii::getAlias('@yii'));
$this->assertEquals('/yii/framework/test/file', Yii::getAlias('@yii/test/file'));
$this->assertEquals('/yii/gii', Yii::getAlias('@yii/gii'));
$this->assertEquals('/yii/gii/file', Yii::getAlias('@yii/gii/file'));
Yii::setAlias('@tii', '@yii/test');
$this->assertEquals('/yii/framework/test', Yii::getAlias('@tii'));
Yii::setAlias('@yii', null);
$this->assertFalse(Yii::getAlias('@yii', false));
$this->assertEquals('/yii/gii/file', Yii::getAlias('@yii/gii/file'));
public function testGetVersion()
echo \Yii::getVersion();
echo Yii::getVersion();
$this->assertTrue((boolean)preg_match('~\d+\.\d+(?:\.\d+)?(?:-\w+)?~', \Yii::getVersion()));
public function testPowered()
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