Commit 208a2743 by Qiang Xue

gii WIP

parent 9a9a9c0b
......@@ -9,6 +9,8 @@ namespace yii\gii;
use Yii;
use yii\base\Object;
use yii\gii\components\TextDiff;
use yii\helpers\Html;
......@@ -21,6 +23,7 @@ class CodeFile extends Object
const OP_OVERWRITE = 'overwrite';
const OP_SKIP = 'skip';
public $id;
* @var string the file path that the new code should be saved to.
......@@ -34,10 +37,6 @@ class CodeFile extends Object
* @var string the operation to be performed
public $operation;
* @var string the error occurred when saving the code into a file
public $error;
* Constructor.
......@@ -48,11 +47,9 @@ class CodeFile extends Object
$this->path = strtr($path, array('/' => DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '\\' => DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR));
$this->content = $content;
$this->id = md5($this->path);
if (is_file($path)) {
$this->operation = file_get_contents($path) === $content ? self::OP_SKIP : self::OP_OVERWRITE;
} elseif ($content === null) // is dir
$this->operation = is_dir($path) ? self::OP_SKIP : self::OP_NEW;
} else {
$this->operation = self::OP_NEW;
......@@ -60,24 +57,11 @@ class CodeFile extends Object
* Saves the code into the file {@link path}.
* @return string|boolean
public function save()
$module = Yii::$app->controller->module;
if ($this->content === null) // a directory
if (!is_dir($this->path)) {
$oldmask = @umask(0);
$result = @mkdir($this->path, $module->newDirMode, true);
if (!$result) {
$this->error = "Unable to create the directory '{$this->path}'.";
return false;
return true;
if ($this->operation === self::OP_NEW) {
$dir = dirname($this->path);
if (!is_dir($dir)) {
......@@ -85,14 +69,12 @@ class CodeFile extends Object
$result = @mkdir($dir, $module->newDirMode, true);
if (!$result) {
$this->error = "Unable to create the directory '$dir'.";
return false;
return "Unable to create the directory '$dir'.";
if (@file_put_contents($this->path, $this->content) === false) {
$this->error = "Unable to write the file '{$this->path}'.";
return false;
return "Unable to write the file '{$this->path}'.";
} else {
$oldmask = @umask(0);
@chmod($this->path, $module->newFileMode);
......@@ -124,4 +106,33 @@ class CodeFile extends Object
return 'unknown';
public function preview()
if (($pos = strrpos($this->path, '.')) !== false) {
$type = substr($this->path, $pos + 1);
} else {
$type = 'unknown';
if ($type === 'php') {
return '<div class="content">' . highlight_string($this->content, true) . '</div>';
} elseif(in_array($type, array('txt','js','css'))) {
return '<div class="content">' . nl2br(Html::encode($this->content)) . '</div>';
} else {
return '<div class="error">Preview is not available for this file type.</div>';
public function diff()
$type = $this->getType();
if (!in_array($type, array('php', 'txt','js','css'))) {
return false;
} elseif ($this->operation === self::OP_OVERWRITE) {
return TextDiff::compare(file_get_contents($this->path), $this->content);
} else {
return '';
......@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ use yii\base\InvalidConfigException;
use yii\base\Model;
use yii\base\View;
* @author Qiang Xue <>
* @since 2.0
......@@ -60,6 +61,26 @@ abstract class Generator extends Model
return array();
public function stickyAttributes()
return array('template');
public function hints()
return array();
* Returns the message to be displayed when the newly generated code is saved successfully.
* Child classes should override this method if the message needs to be customized.
* @return string the message to be displayed when the newly generated code is saved successfully.
public function successMessage()
return 'The code has been generated successfully.';
public function formView()
$class = new ReflectionClass($this);
......@@ -91,7 +112,7 @@ abstract class Generator extends Model
return array(
array('template', 'required', 'message' => 'A code template must be selected.'),
array('template', 'validateTemplate', 'skipOnError' => true),
array('template', 'validateTemplate'),
......@@ -106,74 +127,96 @@ abstract class Generator extends Model
* Saves the generated code into files.
* Loads sticky attributes from a file and populates them into the model.
public function save($files, $answers = array())
public function loadStickyAttributes()
$result = true;
foreach ($files as $file) {
if ($this->confirmed($file)) {
$result = $file->save() && $result;
$stickyAttributes = $this->stickyAttributes();
$attributes[] = 'template';
$path = $this->getStickyDataFile();
if (is_file($path)) {
$result = @include($path);
if (is_array($result)) {
foreach ($stickyAttributes as $name) {
if (isset($result[$name])) {
$this->$name = $result[$name];
return $result;
* @return string the directory that contains the template files.
* @throws InvalidConfigException if {@link templates} is empty or template selection is invalid
* Saves sticky attributes into a file.
public function getTemplatePath()
public function saveStickyAttributes()
if (isset($this->templates[$this->template])) {
return $this->templates[$this->template];
} else {
throw new InvalidConfigException("Unknown template: {$this->template}");
$stickyAttributes = $this->stickyAttributes();
$stickyAttributes[] = 'template';
$values = array();
foreach ($stickyAttributes as $name) {
$values[$name] = $this->$name;
$path = $this->getStickyDataFile();
@mkdir(dirname($path), 0755, true);
file_put_contents($path, "<?php\nreturn " . var_export($values, true) . ";\n");
* @param CodeFile $file whether the code file should be saved
* @return bool whether the confirmation is found in {@link answers} with appropriate {@link operation}
* @return string the file path that stores the sticky attribute values.
public function confirmed($file)
public function getStickyDataFile()
return $this->answers === null && $file->operation === CodeFile::OP_NEW
|| is_array($this->answers) && isset($this->answers[md5($file->path)]);
return Yii::$app->getRuntimePath() . '/gii-' . Yii::getVersion() . '/' . str_replace('\\', '-',get_class($this)) . '.php';
* Generates the code using the specified code template file.
* This method is manly used in {@link generate} to generate code.
* @param string $templateFile the code template file path
* @param array $_params_ a set of parameters to be extracted and made available in the code template
* @return string the generated code
* Saves the generated code into files.
* @param CodeFile[] $files
* @param array $answers
* @param boolean $hasError
* @return string
public function render($templateFile, $params = array())
public function save($files, $answers, &$hasError)
$view = new View;
return $view->renderFile($templateFile, $params, $this);
$lines = array('Generating code using template "' . $this->templatePath . '"...');
foreach ($files as $file) {;
$relativePath = $file->getRelativePath();
if (isset($answers[$file->id]) && $file->operation !== CodeFile::OP_SKIP) {
$error = $file->save();
if (is_string($error)) {
$lines[] = "<span class=\"error\">generating $relativePath<br> $error</span>";
} elseif ($file->operation === CodeFile::OP_NEW) {
$lines[] = " generated $relativePath";
} else {
$lines[] = " overwrote $relativePath";
} else {
$lines[] = " skipped $relativePath";
$lines[] = "done!\n";
return implode("\n", $lines);
* @return string the code generation result log.
* @return string the directory that contains the template files.
* @throws InvalidConfigException if {@link templates} is empty or template selection is invalid
public function renderResults()
public function getTemplatePath()
$output = 'Generating code using template "' . $this->templatePath . "\"...\n";
foreach ($this->files as $file) {
if ($file->error !== null) {
$output .= "<span class=\"error\">generating {$file->relativePath}<br/> {$file->error}</span>\n";
} elseif ($file->operation === CodeFile::OP_NEW && $this->confirmed($file)) {
$output .= ' generated ' . $file->relativePath . "\n";
} elseif ($file->operation === CodeFile::OP_OVERWRITE && $this->confirmed($file)) {
$output .= ' overwrote ' . $file->relativePath . "\n";
} else {
$output .= ' skipped ' . $file->relativePath . "\n";
if (isset($this->templates[$this->template])) {
return $this->templates[$this->template];
} else {
throw new InvalidConfigException("Unknown template: {$this->template}");
$output .= "done!\n";
return $output;
public function generateCode($template, $params = array())
$view = new View;
$params['generator'] = $this;
return $view->renderFile($template, $params, $this);
......@@ -211,6 +254,7 @@ abstract class Generator extends Model
......@@ -242,7 +286,7 @@ abstract class Generator extends Model
......@@ -273,6 +317,7 @@ abstract class Generator extends Model
......@@ -43,7 +43,6 @@ class Module extends \yii\base\Module
* Defaults to 0777, meaning the directory can be read, written and executed by all users.
public $newDirMode = 0777;
public $enabled = true;
yii.gii = (function ($) {
return {
init: function () {
$('.hint-block').each(function() {
var $hint = $(this);
html: true,
trigger: 'focus',
placement: 'right',
content: $hint.html()
var isActive = $('.default-view').length > 0;
var initHintBlocks = function () {
$('.hint-block').each(function () {
var $hint = $(this);
html: true,
trigger: 'focus',
placement: 'right',
content: $hint.html()
var $checkAll = $('#check-all');
$ {
$('.code-files .check input').prop('checked', this.checked);
var initStickyInputs = function () {
$('.sticky:not(.error) input,select,textarea').each(function () {
var value;
if (this.tagName == 'SELECT') {
value = this.options[this.selectedIndex].text;
} else if (this.tagName == 'TEXTAREA') {
value = $(this).html();
} else {
value = $(this).val();
if (value == '') {
value = '[empty]';
$(this).before('<div class="sticky-value">' + value + '</div>').hide();
$('.sticky-value').on('click', function() {
var initPreviewDiffLinks = function () {
$('.preview-code,.diff-code').on('click', function () {
var $modal = $('#preview-modal');
var $link = $(this);
$modal.find('.modal-body').html('Loading ...');
type: 'POST',
cache: false,
url: $link.prop('href'),
data: $('.default-view form').serializeArray(),
success: function (data) {
$modal.find('.content').css('max-height', ($(window).height() - 200) + 'px');
error: function (XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) {
$modal.find('.modal-body').html('<div class="error">' + XMLHttpRequest.responseText + '</div>')
$('.code-files .check input').click(function() {
$checkAll.prop('checked', !$('.code-files .check input:not(:checked)').length);
return false;
var initConfirmationCheckboxes = function () {
var $checkAll = $('#check-all');
$ () {
$('.default-view-files table .check input').prop('checked', this.checked);
$('.default-view-files table .check input').click(function () {
$checkAll.prop('checked', !$('.default-view-files table .check input:not(:checked)').length);
$checkAll.prop('checked', !$('.default-view-files table .check input:not(:checked)').length);
return {
init: function () {
$('.default-view .form-group input,select,textarea').change(function(){
$('.default-view button[name="generate"]').hide();
$checkAll.prop('checked', !$('.code-files .check input:not(:checked)').length);
......@@ -42,15 +42,74 @@ body {
display: none;
table.code-files .file {
.default-view .sticky-value {
padding: 6px 12px;
background: lightyellow;
.default-view .modal-dialog {
width: 800px;
.default-view .modal-dialog .error {
.default-view .modal-dialog .error {
color: #d9534f;
table.code-files .action {
.default-view .modal-dialog .content {
background: #fafafa;
border-left: #eee 5px solid;
padding: 5px 10px;
overflow: auto;
.default-view .modal-dialog code {
background: transparent;
.default-view-files table .file {
.default-view-files table .action {
width: 100px;
table.code-files .check {
.default-view-files table .check {
width: 25px;
text-align: center;
.default-view-results pre {
overflow: auto;
background-color: #333;
max-height: 300px;
color: white;
padding: 10px;
border-radius: 0;
.default-view-results pre span.error {
background: #FFE0E1;
color: black;
padding: 1px;
.default-diff pre {
padding: 0;
margin: 0;
background: transparent;
border: none;
.default-diff pre del {
background: pink;
.default-diff pre ins {
background: lightgreen;
text-decoration: none;
......@@ -5,7 +5,9 @@
* @license
namespace yii\gii;
namespace yii\gii\components;
use yii\gii\Generator;
* @author Qiang Xue <>
......@@ -13,6 +15,23 @@ namespace yii\gii;
class ActiveField extends \yii\widgets\ActiveField
* @var Generator
public $model;
public function init()
$stickyAttributes = $this->model->stickyAttributes();
if (in_array($this->attribute, $stickyAttributes)) {
$hints = $this->model->hints();
if (isset($hints[$this->attribute])) {
public function sticky()
$this->options['class'] .= ' sticky';
* @link
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2008 Yii Software LLC
* @license
namespace yii\gii\components;
use Yii;
* @author Qiang Xue <>
* @since 2.0
class TextDiff
public static function compare($lines1, $lines2)
Yii::setAlias('@Horde', '@yii/gii/lib/Horde');
if (is_string($lines1)) {
$lines1 = explode("\n", $lines1);
if (is_string($lines2)) {
$lines2 = explode("\n", $lines2);
$diff = new \Horde_Text_Diff('auto', array($lines1, $lines2));
$renderer = new \Horde_Text_Diff_Renderer_Inline();
return $renderer->render($diff);
......@@ -38,9 +38,11 @@ class DefaultController extends Controller
$params = array('generator' => $generator);
if (isset($_POST['preview']) || isset($_POST['generate'])) {
if ($generator->validate()) {
$files = $generator->prepare();
if (isset($_POST['generate'], $_POST['answers'])) {
$params['result'] = $generator->save($files, $_POST['answers']);
if (isset($_POST['generate']) && !empty($_POST['answers'])) {
$params['results'] = $generator->save($files, (array)$_POST['answers'], $hasError);
$params['hasError'] = $hasError;
} else {
$params['files'] = $files;
$params['answers'] = isset($_POST['answers']) ? $_POST['answers'] : null;
......@@ -51,14 +53,45 @@ class DefaultController extends Controller
return $this->render('view', $params);
public function actionCode($file)
public function actionPreview($id, $file)
$generator = $this->loadGenerator($id);
if ($generator->validate()) {
foreach ($generator->prepare() as $f) {
if ($f->id === $file) {
return $f->preview();
throw new HttpException(404, "Code file not found: $file");
public function actionDiff($file1, $file2)
public function actionDiff($id, $file)
$generator = $this->loadGenerator($id);
if ($generator->validate()) {
foreach ($generator->prepare() as $f) {
if ($f->id === $file) {
return $this->renderPartial('diff', array(
'diff' => $f->diff(),
throw new HttpException(404, "Code file not found: $file");
public function createUrl($route, $params = array())
if (!isset($params['id']) && $this->generator !== null) {
foreach ($this->module->generators as $id => $generator) {
if ($generator === $this->generator) {
$params['id'] = $id;
return parent::createUrl($route, $params);
......@@ -71,6 +104,7 @@ class DefaultController extends Controller
if (isset($this->module->generators[$id])) {
$this->generator = $this->module->generators[$id];
return $this->generator;
} else {
......@@ -65,9 +65,35 @@ class Generator extends \yii\gii\Generator
public function stickyAttributes()
return array('ns', 'baseClass');
public function hints()
return array(
'controller' => 'Controller ID should be in lower case and may contain module ID(s). For example:
<li><code>order</code> generates <code>OrderController.php</code></li>
<li><code>order-item</code> generates <code>OrderItemController.php</code></li>
<li><code>admin/user</code> generates <code>UserController.php</code> within the <code>admin</code> module.</li>
'actions' => 'Provide one or multiple action IDs to generate empty action method(s) in the controller. Separate multiple action IDs with commas or spaces.',
'ns' => 'This is the namespace that the new controller class will should use.',
'baseClass' => 'This is the class that the new controller class will extend from. Please make sure the class exists and can be autoloaded.',
public function successMessage()
$link = Html::a('try it now', Yii::$app->getUrlManager()->createUrl($this->controller), array('target' => '_blank'));
$actions = $this->getActionIDs();
if (in_array('index', $actions)) {
$route = $this->controller . '/index';
} else {
$route = $this->controller . '/' . reset($actions);
$link = Html::a('try it now', Yii::$app->getUrlManager()->createUrl($route), array('target' => '_blank'));
return "The controller has been generated successfully. You may $link.";
......@@ -79,13 +105,13 @@ class Generator extends \yii\gii\Generator
$files[] = new CodeFile(
$this->render($templatePath . '/controller.php')
$this->generateCode($templatePath . '/controller.php')
foreach ($this->getActionIDs() as $action) {
$files[] = new CodeFile(
$this->render($templatePath . '/view.php', array('action' => $action))
$this->generateCode($templatePath . '/view.php', array('action' => $action))
......@@ -134,17 +160,6 @@ class Generator extends \yii\gii\Generator
return $id;
public function getUniqueControllerID()
$id = $this->controller;
if (($pos = strrpos($id, '/')) !== false) {
$id[$pos + 1] = strtolower($id[$pos + 1]);
} else {
$id[0] = strtolower($id[0]);
return $id;
public function getControllerFile()
$module = $this->getModule();
* Created by JetBrains PhpStorm.
* User: qiang
* Date: 8/15/13
* Time: 4:45 PM
* To change this template use File | Settings | File Templates.
* This is the template for generating a controller class file.
* @var yii\base\View $this
* @var yii\gii\generators\controller\Generator $generator
<?php echo "<?php\n"; ?>
<?php if (!empty($generator->ns)): ?>
namespace <?php echo $generator->ns; ?>;
<?php endif; ?>
class <?php echo $generator->controllerClass; ?> extends <?php echo '\\' . ltrim($generator->baseClass, '\\') . "\n"; ?>
<?php foreach($generator->getActionIDs() as $action): ?>
public function action<?php echo ucfirst($action); ?>()
return $this->render('<?php echo $action; ?>');
<?php endforeach; ?>
* Created by JetBrains PhpStorm.
* User: qiang
* Date: 8/15/13
* Time: 4:46 PM
* To change this template use File | Settings | File Templates.
* This is the template for generating an action view file.
* @var yii\base\View $this
* @var yii\gii\generators\controller\Generator $generator
* @var string $action the action ID
<?php echo "<?php\n"; ?>
* @var yii\base\View $this
<?php echo "?>"; ?>
<h1><?php echo $action; ?></h1>
You may change the content of this page by modifying
the file <code><?php echo '<?php'; ?> echo __FILE__; ?></code>.
......@@ -5,22 +5,7 @@
* @var yii\gii\generators\controller\Generator $generator
<?php echo $form->field($generator, 'controller')->hint('
Controller ID is case-sensitive and can contain module ID(s). For example:
<li><code>order</code> generates <code>OrderController.php</code></li>
<li><code>order-item</code> generates <code>OrderItemController.php</code></li>
<li><code>admin/user</code> generates <code>UserController.php</code> within the <code>admin</code> module.</li>
'); ?>
<?php echo $form->field($generator, 'actions')->hint('
Provide one or multiple action IDs to generate empty action method(s) in the controller.
Separate multiple action IDs with commas or spaces.
'); ?>
<?php echo $form->field($generator, 'ns')->sticky()->hint('
This is the namespace that the new controller class will should use.
'); ?>
<?php echo $form->field($generator, 'baseClass')->sticky()->hint('
This is the class that the new controller class will extend from.
Please make sure the class exists and can be autoloaded.
'); ?>
<?php echo $form->field($generator, 'controller'); ?>
<?php echo $form->field($generator, 'actions'); ?>
<?php echo $form->field($generator, 'ns'); ?>
<?php echo $form->field($generator, 'baseClass'); ?>
......@@ -24,9 +24,4 @@ class Generator extends \yii\gii\Generator
return 'This generator generates a controller and views that implement CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete)
operations for the specified data model.';
public function getViewFile()
return __DIR__ . '/views/form.php';
......@@ -23,10 +23,4 @@ class Generator extends \yii\gii\Generator
return 'This generator generates a view script file that displays a form to collect input for the specified model class.';
public function getViewFile()
return __DIR__ . '/views/form.php';
......@@ -23,9 +23,4 @@ class Generator extends \yii\gii\Generator
return 'This generator generates a model class for the specified database table.';
public function getViewFile()
return __DIR__ . '/views/form.php';
......@@ -23,10 +23,4 @@ class Generator extends \yii\gii\Generator
return 'This generator helps you to generate the skeleton code needed by a Yii module.';
public function getViewFile()
return __DIR__ . '/views/form.php';
* General API for generating and formatting diffs - the differences between
* two sequences of strings.
* The original PHP version of this code was written by Geoffrey T. Dairiki
* <>, and is used/adapted with his permission.
* Copyright 2004 Geoffrey T. Dairiki <>
* Copyright 2004-2012 Horde LLC (
* See the enclosed file COPYING for license information (LGPL). If you did
* not receive this file, see
* @package Text_Diff
* @author Geoffrey T. Dairiki <>
class Horde_Text_Diff
* Array of changes.
* @var array
protected $_edits;
* Computes diffs between sequences of strings.
* @param string $engine Name of the diffing engine to use. 'auto'
* will automatically select the best.
* @param array $params Parameters to pass to the diffing engine.
* Normally an array of two arrays, each
* containing the lines from a file.
public function __construct($engine, $params)
if ($engine == 'auto') {
$engine = extension_loaded('xdiff') ? 'Xdiff' : 'Native';
} else {
$engine = ucfirst(basename($engine));
$class = 'Horde_Text_Diff_Engine_' . $engine;
$diff_engine = new $class();
$this->_edits = call_user_func_array(array($diff_engine, 'diff'), $params);
* Returns the array of differences.
public function getDiff()
return $this->_edits;
* returns the number of new (added) lines in a given diff.
* @return integer The number of new lines
public function countAddedLines()
$count = 0;
foreach ($this->_edits as $edit) {
if ($edit instanceof Horde_Text_Diff_Op_Add ||
$edit instanceof Horde_Text_Diff_Op_Change) {
$count += $edit->nfinal();
return $count;
* Returns the number of deleted (removed) lines in a given diff.
* @return integer The number of deleted lines
public function countDeletedLines()
$count = 0;
foreach ($this->_edits as $edit) {
if ($edit instanceof Horde_Text_Diff_Op_Delete ||
$edit instanceof Horde_Text_Diff_Op_Change) {
$count += $edit->norig();
return $count;
* Computes a reversed diff.
* Example:
* <code>
* $diff = new Horde_Text_Diff($lines1, $lines2);
* $rev = $diff->reverse();
* </code>
* @return Horde_Text_Diff A Diff object representing the inverse of the
* original diff. Note that we purposely don't return a
* reference here, since this essentially is a clone()
* method.
public function reverse()
if (version_compare(zend_version(), '2', '>')) {
$rev = clone($this);
} else {
$rev = $this;
$rev->_edits = array();
foreach ($this->_edits as $edit) {
$rev->_edits[] = $edit->reverse();
return $rev;
* Checks for an empty diff.
* @return boolean True if two sequences were identical.
public function isEmpty()
foreach ($this->_edits as $edit) {
if (!($edit instanceof Horde_Text_Diff_Op_Copy)) {
return false;
return true;
* Computes the length of the Longest Common Subsequence (LCS).
* This is mostly for diagnostic purposes.
* @return integer The length of the LCS.
public function lcs()
$lcs = 0;
foreach ($this->_edits as $edit) {
if ($edit instanceof Horde_Text_Diff_Op_Copy) {
$lcs += count($edit->orig);
return $lcs;
* Gets the original set of lines.
* This reconstructs the $from_lines parameter passed to the constructor.
* @return array The original sequence of strings.
public function getOriginal()
$lines = array();
foreach ($this->_edits as $edit) {
if ($edit->orig) {
array_splice($lines, count($lines), 0, $edit->orig);
return $lines;
* Gets the final set of lines.
* This reconstructs the $to_lines parameter passed to the constructor.
* @return array The sequence of strings.
public function getFinal()
$lines = array();
foreach ($this->_edits as $edit) {
if ($edit->final) {
array_splice($lines, count($lines), 0, $edit->final);
return $lines;
* Removes trailing newlines from a line of text. This is meant to be used
* with array_walk().
* @param string $line The line to trim.
* @param integer $key The index of the line in the array. Not used.
static public function trimNewlines(&$line, $key)
$line = str_replace(array("\n", "\r"), '', $line);
* Checks a diff for validity.
* This is here only for debugging purposes.
protected function _check($from_lines, $to_lines)
if (serialize($from_lines) != serialize($this->getOriginal())) {
trigger_error("Reconstructed original doesn't match", E_USER_ERROR);
if (serialize($to_lines) != serialize($this->getFinal())) {
trigger_error("Reconstructed final doesn't match", E_USER_ERROR);
$rev = $this->reverse();
if (serialize($to_lines) != serialize($rev->getOriginal())) {
trigger_error("Reversed original doesn't match", E_USER_ERROR);
if (serialize($from_lines) != serialize($rev->getFinal())) {
trigger_error("Reversed final doesn't match", E_USER_ERROR);
$prevtype = null;
foreach ($this->_edits as $edit) {
if ($prevtype == get_class($edit)) {
trigger_error("Edit sequence is non-optimal", E_USER_ERROR);
$prevtype = get_class($edit);
return true;
* Class used internally by Diff to actually compute the diffs.
* This class uses the Unix `diff` program via shell_exec to compute the
* differences between the two input arrays.
* Copyright 2007-2012 Horde LLC (
* See the enclosed file COPYING for license information (LGPL). If you did
* not receive this file, see
* @author Milian Wolff <>
* @package Text_Diff
class Horde_Text_Diff_Engine_Shell
* Path to the diff executable
* @var string
protected $_diffCommand = 'diff';
* Returns the array of differences.
* @param array $from_lines lines of text from old file
* @param array $to_lines lines of text from new file
* @return array all changes made (array with Horde_Text_Diff_Op_* objects)
public function diff($from_lines, $to_lines)
array_walk($from_lines, array('Horde_Text_Diff', 'trimNewlines'));
array_walk($to_lines, array('Horde_Text_Diff', 'trimNewlines'));
// Execute gnu diff or similar to get a standard diff file.
$from_file = Horde_Util::getTempFile('Horde_Text_Diff');
$to_file = Horde_Util::getTempFile('Horde_Text_Diff');
$fp = fopen($from_file, 'w');
fwrite($fp, implode("\n", $from_lines));
$fp = fopen($to_file, 'w');
fwrite($fp, implode("\n", $to_lines));
$diff = shell_exec($this->_diffCommand . ' ' . $from_file . ' ' . $to_file);
if (is_null($diff)) {
// No changes were made
return array(new Horde_Text_Diff_Op_Copy($from_lines));
$from_line_no = 1;
$to_line_no = 1;
$edits = array();
// Get changed lines by parsing something like:
// 0a1,2
// 1,2c4,6
// 1,5d6
preg_match_all('#^(\d+)(?:,(\d+))?([adc])(\d+)(?:,(\d+))?$#m', $diff,
$matches, PREG_SET_ORDER);
foreach ($matches as $match) {
if (!isset($match[5])) {
// This paren is not set every time (see regex).
$match[5] = false;
if ($match[3] == 'a') {
if ($match[3] == 'd') {
if ($from_line_no < $match[1] || $to_line_no < $match[4]) {
// copied lines
assert('$match[1] - $from_line_no == $match[4] - $to_line_no');
new Horde_Text_Diff_Op_Copy(
$this->_getLines($from_lines, $from_line_no, $match[1] - 1),
$this->_getLines($to_lines, $to_line_no, $match[4] - 1)));
switch ($match[3]) {
case 'd':
// deleted lines
new Horde_Text_Diff_Op_Delete(
$this->_getLines($from_lines, $from_line_no, $match[2])));
case 'c':
// changed lines
new Horde_Text_Diff_Op_Change(
$this->_getLines($from_lines, $from_line_no, $match[2]),
$this->_getLines($to_lines, $to_line_no, $match[5])));
case 'a':
// added lines
new Horde_Text_Diff_Op_Add(
$this->_getLines($to_lines, $to_line_no, $match[5])));
if (!empty($from_lines)) {
// Some lines might still be pending. Add them as copied
new Horde_Text_Diff_Op_Copy(
$this->_getLines($from_lines, $from_line_no,
$from_line_no + count($from_lines) - 1),
$this->_getLines($to_lines, $to_line_no,
$to_line_no + count($to_lines) - 1)));
return $edits;
* Get lines from either the old or new text
* @access private
* @param array &$text_lines Either $from_lines or $to_lines
* @param int &$line_no Current line number
* @param int $end Optional end line, when we want to chop more
* than one line.
* @return array The chopped lines
protected function _getLines(&$text_lines, &$line_no, $end = false)
if (!empty($end)) {
$lines = array();
// We can shift even more
while ($line_no <= $end) {
array_push($lines, array_shift($text_lines));
} else {
$lines = array(array_shift($text_lines));
return $lines;
* Parses unified or context diffs output from eg. the diff utility.
* Example:
* <code>
* $patch = file_get_contents('example.patch');
* $diff = new Horde_Text_Diff('string', array($patch));
* $renderer = new Horde_Text_Diff_Renderer_inline();
* echo $renderer->render($diff);
* </code>
* Copyright 2005 Örjan Persson <>
* Copyright 2005-2012 Horde LLC (
* See the enclosed file COPYING for license information (LGPL). If you did
* not receive this file, see
* @author Örjan Persson <>
* @package Text_Diff
class Horde_Text_Diff_Engine_String
* Parses a unified or context diff.
* First param contains the whole diff and the second can be used to force
* a specific diff type. If the second parameter is 'autodetect', the
* diff will be examined to find out which type of diff this is.
* @param string $diff The diff content.
* @param string $mode The diff mode of the content in $diff. One of
* 'context', 'unified', or 'autodetect'.
* @return array List of all diff operations.
* @throws Horde_Text_Diff_Exception
public function diff($diff, $mode = 'autodetect')
// Detect line breaks.
$lnbr = "\n";
if (strpos($diff, "\r\n") !== false) {
$lnbr = "\r\n";
} elseif (strpos($diff, "\r") !== false) {
$lnbr = "\r";
// Make sure we have a line break at the EOF.
if (substr($diff, -strlen($lnbr)) != $lnbr) {
$diff .= $lnbr;
if ($mode != 'autodetect' && $mode != 'context' && $mode != 'unified') {
throw new Horde_Text_Diff_Exception('Type of diff is unsupported');
if ($mode == 'autodetect') {
$context = strpos($diff, '***');
$unified = strpos($diff, '---');
if ($context === $unified) {
throw new Horde_Text_Diff_Exception('Type of diff could not be detected');
} elseif ($context === false || $unified === false) {
$mode = $context !== false ? 'context' : 'unified';
} else {
$mode = $context < $unified ? 'context' : 'unified';
// Split by new line and remove the diff header, if there is one.
$diff = explode($lnbr, $diff);
if (($mode == 'context' && strpos($diff[0], '***') === 0) ||
($mode == 'unified' && strpos($diff[0], '---') === 0)) {
if ($mode == 'context') {
return $this->parseContextDiff($diff);
} else {
return $this->parseUnifiedDiff($diff);
* Parses an array containing the unified diff.
* @param array $diff Array of lines.
* @return array List of all diff operations.
public function parseUnifiedDiff($diff)
$edits = array();
$end = count($diff) - 1;
for ($i = 0; $i < $end;) {
$diff1 = array();
switch (substr($diff[$i], 0, 1)) {
case ' ':
do {
$diff1[] = substr($diff[$i], 1);
} while (++$i < $end && substr($diff[$i], 0, 1) == ' ');
$edits[] = new Horde_Text_Diff_Op_Copy($diff1);
case '+':
// get all new lines
do {
$diff1[] = substr($diff[$i], 1);
} while (++$i < $end && substr($diff[$i], 0, 1) == '+');
$edits[] = new Horde_Text_Diff_Op_Add($diff1);
case '-':
// get changed or removed lines
$diff2 = array();
do {
$diff1[] = substr($diff[$i], 1);
} while (++$i < $end && substr($diff[$i], 0, 1) == '-');
while ($i < $end && substr($diff[$i], 0, 1) == '+') {
$diff2[] = substr($diff[$i++], 1);
if (count($diff2) == 0) {
$edits[] = new Horde_Text_Diff_Op_Delete($diff1);
} else {
$edits[] = new Horde_Text_Diff_Op_Change($diff1, $diff2);
return $edits;
* Parses an array containing the context diff.
* @param array $diff Array of lines.
* @return array List of all diff operations.
public function parseContextDiff(&$diff)
$edits = array();
$i = $max_i = $j = $max_j = 0;
$end = count($diff) - 1;
while ($i < $end && $j < $end) {
while ($i >= $max_i && $j >= $max_j) {
// Find the boundaries of the diff output of the two files
for ($i = $j;
$i < $end && substr($diff[$i], 0, 3) == '***';
for ($max_i = $i;
$max_i < $end && substr($diff[$max_i], 0, 3) != '---';
for ($j = $max_i;
$j < $end && substr($diff[$j], 0, 3) == '---';
for ($max_j = $j;
$max_j < $end && substr($diff[$max_j], 0, 3) != '***';
// find what hasn't been changed
$array = array();
while ($i < $max_i &&
$j < $max_j &&
strcmp($diff[$i], $diff[$j]) == 0) {
$array[] = substr($diff[$i], 2);
while ($i < $max_i && ($max_j-$j) <= 1) {
if ($diff[$i] != '' && substr($diff[$i], 0, 1) != ' ') {
$array[] = substr($diff[$i++], 2);
while ($j < $max_j && ($max_i-$i) <= 1) {
if ($diff[$j] != '' && substr($diff[$j], 0, 1) != ' ') {
$array[] = substr($diff[$j++], 2);
if (count($array) > 0) {
$edits[] = new Horde_Text_Diff_Op_Copy($array);
if ($i < $max_i) {
$diff1 = array();
switch (substr($diff[$i], 0, 1)) {
case '!':
$diff2 = array();
do {
$diff1[] = substr($diff[$i], 2);
if ($j < $max_j && substr($diff[$j], 0, 1) == '!') {
$diff2[] = substr($diff[$j++], 2);
} while (++$i < $max_i && substr($diff[$i], 0, 1) == '!');
$edits[] = new Horde_Text_Diff_Op_Change($diff1, $diff2);
case '+':
do {
$diff1[] = substr($diff[$i], 2);
} while (++$i < $max_i && substr($diff[$i], 0, 1) == '+');
$edits[] = new Horde_Text_Diff_Op_Add($diff1);
case '-':
do {
$diff1[] = substr($diff[$i], 2);
} while (++$i < $max_i && substr($diff[$i], 0, 1) == '-');
$edits[] = new Horde_Text_Diff_Op_Delete($diff1);
if ($j < $max_j) {
$diff2 = array();
switch (substr($diff[$j], 0, 1)) {
case '+':
do {
$diff2[] = substr($diff[$j++], 2);
} while ($j < $max_j && substr($diff[$j], 0, 1) == '+');
$edits[] = new Horde_Text_Diff_Op_Add($diff2);
case '-':
do {
$diff2[] = substr($diff[$j++], 2);
} while ($j < $max_j && substr($diff[$j], 0, 1) == '-');
$edits[] = new Horde_Text_Diff_Op_Delete($diff2);
return $edits;
* Class used internally by Diff to actually compute the diffs.
* This class uses the xdiff PECL package (
* to compute the differences between the two input arrays.
* Copyright 2004-2012 Horde LLC (
* See the enclosed file COPYING for license information (LGPL). If you did
* not receive this file, see
* @author Jon Parise <>
* @package Text_Diff
class Horde_Text_Diff_Engine_Xdiff
public function diff($from_lines, $to_lines)
if (!extension_loaded('xdiff')) {
throw new Horde_Text_Diff_Exception('The xdiff extension is required for this diff engine');
array_walk($from_lines, array('Horde_Text_Diff', 'trimNewlines'));
array_walk($to_lines, array('Horde_Text_Diff', 'trimNewlines'));
/* Convert the two input arrays into strings for xdiff processing. */
$from_string = implode("\n", $from_lines);
$to_string = implode("\n", $to_lines);
/* Diff the two strings and convert the result to an array. */
$diff = xdiff_string_diff($from_string, $to_string, count($to_lines));
$diff = explode("\n", $diff);
/* Walk through the diff one line at a time. We build the $edits
* array of diff operations by reading the first character of the
* xdiff output (which is in the "unified diff" format).
* Note that we don't have enough information to detect "changed"
* lines using this approach, so we can't add Horde_Text_Diff_Op_Changed
* instances to the $edits array. The result is still perfectly
* valid, albeit a little less descriptive and efficient. */
$edits = array();
foreach ($diff as $line) {
if (!strlen($line)) {
switch ($line[0]) {
case ' ':
$edits[] = new Horde_Text_Diff_Op_Copy(array(substr($line, 1)));
case '+':
$edits[] = new Horde_Text_Diff_Op_Add(array(substr($line, 1)));
case '-':
$edits[] = new Horde_Text_Diff_Op_Delete(array(substr($line, 1)));
return $edits;
* Exception handler for the Text_Diff package.
* Copyright 2011-2012 Horde LLC (
* See the enclosed file COPYING for license information (LGPL). If you
* did not receive this file, see
* @author Jan Schneider <>
* @category Horde
* @license LGPL 2.1
* @package Text_Diff
class Horde_Text_Diff_Exception extends Horde_Exception_Wrapped
* Copyright 2007-2012 Horde LLC (
* See the enclosed file COPYING for license information (LGPL). If you did
* not receive this file, see
* @package Text_Diff
* @author Geoffrey T. Dairiki <>
class Horde_Text_Diff_Mapped extends Horde_Text_Diff
* Computes a diff between sequences of strings.
* This can be used to compute things like case-insensitve diffs, or diffs
* which ignore changes in white-space.
* @param array $from_lines An array of strings.
* @param array $to_lines An array of strings.
* @param array $mapped_from_lines This array should have the same size
* number of elements as $from_lines. The
* elements in $mapped_from_lines and
* $mapped_to_lines are what is actually
* compared when computing the diff.
* @param array $mapped_to_lines This array should have the same number
* of elements as $to_lines.
public function __construct($from_lines, $to_lines,
$mapped_from_lines, $mapped_to_lines)
assert(count($from_lines) == count($mapped_from_lines));
assert(count($to_lines) == count($mapped_to_lines));
parent::__construct($mapped_from_lines, $mapped_to_lines);
$xi = $yi = 0;
for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->_edits); $i++) {
$orig = &$this->_edits[$i]->orig;
if (is_array($orig)) {
$orig = array_slice($from_lines, $xi, count($orig));
$xi += count($orig);
$final = &$this->_edits[$i]->final;
if (is_array($final)) {
$final = array_slice($to_lines, $yi, count($final));
$yi += count($final);
* The original PHP version of this code was written by Geoffrey T. Dairiki
* <>, and is used/adapted with his permission.
* Copyright 2004 Geoffrey T. Dairiki <>
* Copyright 2004-2012 Horde LLC (
* See the enclosed file COPYING for license information (LGPL). If you did
* not receive this file, see
* @package Text_Diff
* @author Geoffrey T. Dairiki <>
class Horde_Text_Diff_Op_Add extends Horde_Text_Diff_Op_Base
public function __construct($lines)
$this->final = $lines;
$this->orig = false;
public function reverse()
return new Horde_Text_Diff_Op_Delete($this->final);
* The original PHP version of this code was written by Geoffrey T. Dairiki
* <>, and is used/adapted with his permission.
* Copyright 2004 Geoffrey T. Dairiki <>
* Copyright 2004-2012 Horde LLC (
* See the enclosed file COPYING for license information (LGPL). If you did
* not receive this file, see
* @package Text_Diff
* @author Geoffrey T. Dairiki <>
abstract class Horde_Text_Diff_Op_Base
public $orig;
public $final;
abstract public function reverse();
public function norig()
return $this->orig ? count($this->orig) : 0;
public function nfinal()
return $this->final ? count($this->final) : 0;
* The original PHP version of this code was written by Geoffrey T. Dairiki
* <>, and is used/adapted with his permission.
* Copyright 2004 Geoffrey T. Dairiki <>
* Copyright 2004-2012 Horde LLC (
* See the enclosed file COPYING for license information (LGPL). If you did
* not receive this file, see
* @package Text_Diff
* @author Geoffrey T. Dairiki <>
class Horde_Text_Diff_Op_Change extends Horde_Text_Diff_Op_Base
public function __construct($orig, $final)
$this->orig = $orig;
$this->final = $final;
public function reverse()
return new Horde_Text_Diff_Op_Change($this->final, $this->orig);
* The original PHP version of this code was written by Geoffrey T. Dairiki
* <>, and is used/adapted with his permission.
* Copyright 2004 Geoffrey T. Dairiki <>
* Copyright 2004-2012 Horde LLC (
* See the enclosed file COPYING for license information (LGPL). If you did
* not receive this file, see
* @package Text_Diff
* @author Geoffrey T. Dairiki <>
class Horde_Text_Diff_Op_Copy extends Horde_Text_Diff_Op_Base
public function __construct($orig, $final = false)
if (!is_array($final)) {
$final = $orig;
$this->orig = $orig;
$this->final = $final;
public function reverse()
return new Horde_Text_Diff_Op_Copy($this->final, $this->orig);
* The original PHP version of this code was written by Geoffrey T. Dairiki
* <>, and is used/adapted with his permission.
* Copyright 2004 Geoffrey T. Dairiki <>
* Copyright 2004-2012 Horde LLC (
* See the enclosed file COPYING for license information (LGPL). If you did
* not receive this file, see
* @package Text_Diff
* @author Geoffrey T. Dairiki <>
class Horde_Text_Diff_Op_Delete extends Horde_Text_Diff_Op_Base
public function __construct($lines)
$this->orig = $lines;
$this->final = false;
public function reverse()
return new Horde_Text_Diff_Op_Add($this->orig);
* A class to render Diffs in different formats.
* This class renders the diff in classic diff format. It is intended that
* this class be customized via inheritance, to obtain fancier outputs.
* Copyright 2004-2012 Horde LLC (
* See the enclosed file COPYING for license information (LGPL). If you did
* not receive this file, see
* @package Text_Diff
class Horde_Text_Diff_Renderer
* Number of leading context "lines" to preserve.
* This should be left at zero for this class, but subclasses may want to
* set this to other values.
protected $_leading_context_lines = 0;
* Number of trailing context "lines" to preserve.
* This should be left at zero for this class, but subclasses may want to
* set this to other values.
protected $_trailing_context_lines = 0;
* Constructor.
public function __construct($params = array())
foreach ($params as $param => $value) {
$v = '_' . $param;
if (isset($this->$v)) {
$this->$v = $value;
* Get any renderer parameters.
* @return array All parameters of this renderer object.
public function getParams()
$params = array();
foreach (get_object_vars($this) as $k => $v) {
if ($k[0] == '_') {
$params[substr($k, 1)] = $v;
return $params;
* Renders a diff.
* @param Horde_Text_Diff $diff A Horde_Text_Diff object.
* @return string The formatted output.
public function render($diff)
$xi = $yi = 1;
$block = false;
$context = array();
$nlead = $this->_leading_context_lines;
$ntrail = $this->_trailing_context_lines;
$output = $this->_startDiff();
$diffs = $diff->getDiff();
foreach ($diffs as $i => $edit) {
/* If these are unchanged (copied) lines, and we want to keep
* leading or trailing context lines, extract them from the copy
* block. */
if ($edit instanceof Horde_Text_Diff_Op_Copy) {
/* Do we have any diff blocks yet? */
if (is_array($block)) {
/* How many lines to keep as context from the copy
* block. */
$keep = $i == count($diffs) - 1 ? $ntrail : $nlead + $ntrail;
if (count($edit->orig) <= $keep) {
/* We have less lines in the block than we want for
* context => keep the whole block. */
$block[] = $edit;
} else {
if ($ntrail) {
/* Create a new block with as many lines as we need
* for the trailing context. */
$context = array_slice($edit->orig, 0, $ntrail);
$block[] = new Horde_Text_Diff_Op_Copy($context);
/* @todo */
$output .= $this->_block($x0, $ntrail + $xi - $x0,
$y0, $ntrail + $yi - $y0,
$block = false;
/* Keep the copy block as the context for the next block. */
$context = $edit->orig;
} else {
/* Don't we have any diff blocks yet? */
if (!is_array($block)) {
/* Extract context lines from the preceding copy block. */
$context = array_slice($context, count($context) - $nlead);
$x0 = $xi - count($context);
$y0 = $yi - count($context);
$block = array();
if ($context) {
$block[] = new Horde_Text_Diff_Op_Copy($context);
$block[] = $edit;
if ($edit->orig) {
$xi += count($edit->orig);
if ($edit->final) {
$yi += count($edit->final);
if (is_array($block)) {
$output .= $this->_block($x0, $xi - $x0,
$y0, $yi - $y0,
return $output . $this->_endDiff();
protected function _block($xbeg, $xlen, $ybeg, $ylen, &$edits)
$output = $this->_startBlock($this->_blockHeader($xbeg, $xlen, $ybeg, $ylen));
foreach ($edits as $edit) {
switch (get_class($edit)) {
case 'Horde_Text_Diff_Op_Copy':
$output .= $this->_context($edit->orig);
case 'Horde_Text_Diff_Op_Add':
$output .= $this->_added($edit->final);
case 'Horde_Text_Diff_Op_Delete':
$output .= $this->_deleted($edit->orig);
case 'Horde_Text_Diff_Op_Change':
$output .= $this->_changed($edit->orig, $edit->final);
return $output . $this->_endBlock();
protected function _startDiff()
return '';
protected function _endDiff()
return '';
protected function _blockHeader($xbeg, $xlen, $ybeg, $ylen)
if ($xlen > 1) {
$xbeg .= ',' . ($xbeg + $xlen - 1);
if ($ylen > 1) {
$ybeg .= ',' . ($ybeg + $ylen - 1);
// this matches the GNU Diff behaviour
if ($xlen && !$ylen) {
} elseif (!$xlen) {
return $xbeg . ($xlen ? ($ylen ? 'c' : 'd') : 'a') . $ybeg;
protected function _startBlock($header)
return $header . "\n";
protected function _endBlock()
return '';
protected function _lines($lines, $prefix = ' ')
return $prefix . implode("\n$prefix", $lines) . "\n";
protected function _context($lines)
return $this->_lines($lines, ' ');
protected function _added($lines)
return $this->_lines($lines, '> ');
protected function _deleted($lines)
return $this->_lines($lines, '< ');
protected function _changed($orig, $final)
return $this->_deleted($orig) . "---\n" . $this->_added($final);
* "Context" diff renderer.
* This class renders the diff in classic "context diff" format.
* Copyright 2004-2012 Horde LLC (
* See the enclosed file COPYING for license information (LGPL). If you did
* not receive this file, see
* @package Text_Diff
class Horde_Text_Diff_Renderer_Context extends Horde_Text_Diff_Renderer
* Number of leading context "lines" to preserve.
protected $_leading_context_lines = 4;
* Number of trailing context "lines" to preserve.
protected $_trailing_context_lines = 4;
protected $_second_block = '';
protected function _blockHeader($xbeg, $xlen, $ybeg, $ylen)
if ($xlen != 1) {
$xbeg .= ',' . $xlen;
if ($ylen != 1) {
$ybeg .= ',' . $ylen;
$this->_second_block = "--- $ybeg ----\n";
return "***************\n*** $xbeg ****";
protected function _endBlock()
return $this->_second_block;
protected function _context($lines)
$this->_second_block .= $this->_lines($lines, ' ');
return $this->_lines($lines, ' ');
protected function _added($lines)
$this->_second_block .= $this->_lines($lines, '+ ');
return '';
protected function _deleted($lines)
return $this->_lines($lines, '- ');
protected function _changed($orig, $final)
$this->_second_block .= $this->_lines($final, '! ');
return $this->_lines($orig, '! ');
* "Inline" diff renderer.
* This class renders diffs in the Wiki-style "inline" format.
* Copyright 2004-2012 Horde LLC (
* See the enclosed file COPYING for license information (LGPL). If you did
* not receive this file, see
* @author Ciprian Popovici
* @package Text_Diff
class Horde_Text_Diff_Renderer_Inline extends Horde_Text_Diff_Renderer
* Number of leading context "lines" to preserve.
* @var integer
protected $_leading_context_lines = 10000;
* Number of trailing context "lines" to preserve.
* @var integer
protected $_trailing_context_lines = 10000;
* Prefix for inserted text.
* @var string
protected $_ins_prefix = '<ins>';
* Suffix for inserted text.
* @var string
protected $_ins_suffix = '</ins>';
* Prefix for deleted text.
* @var string
protected $_del_prefix = '<del>';
* Suffix for deleted text.
* @var string
protected $_del_suffix = '</del>';
* Header for each change block.
* @var string
protected $_block_header = '';
* Whether to split down to character-level.
* @var boolean
protected $_split_characters = false;
* What are we currently splitting on? Used to recurse to show word-level
* or character-level changes.
* @var string
protected $_split_level = 'lines';
protected function _blockHeader($xbeg, $xlen, $ybeg, $ylen)
return $this->_block_header;
protected function _startBlock($header)
return $header;
protected function _lines($lines, $prefix = ' ', $encode = true)
if ($encode) {
array_walk($lines, array(&$this, '_encode'));
if ($this->_split_level == 'lines') {
return implode("\n", $lines) . "\n";
} else {
return implode('', $lines);
protected function _added($lines)
array_walk($lines, array(&$this, '_encode'));
$lines[0] = $this->_ins_prefix . $lines[0];
$lines[count($lines) - 1] .= $this->_ins_suffix;
return $this->_lines($lines, ' ', false);
protected function _deleted($lines, $words = false)
array_walk($lines, array(&$this, '_encode'));
$lines[0] = $this->_del_prefix . $lines[0];
$lines[count($lines) - 1] .= $this->_del_suffix;
return $this->_lines($lines, ' ', false);
protected function _changed($orig, $final)
/* If we've already split on characters, just display. */
if ($this->_split_level == 'characters') {
return $this->_deleted($orig)
. $this->_added($final);
/* If we've already split on words, just display. */
if ($this->_split_level == 'words') {
$prefix = '';
while ($orig[0] !== false && $final[0] !== false &&
substr($orig[0], 0, 1) == ' ' &&
substr($final[0], 0, 1) == ' ') {
$prefix .= substr($orig[0], 0, 1);
$orig[0] = substr($orig[0], 1);
$final[0] = substr($final[0], 1);
return $prefix . $this->_deleted($orig) . $this->_added($final);
$text1 = implode("\n", $orig);
$text2 = implode("\n", $final);
/* Non-printing newline marker. */
$nl = "\0";
if ($this->_split_characters) {
$diff = new Horde_Text_Diff('native',
array(preg_split('//', $text1),
preg_split('//', $text2)));
} else {
/* We want to split on word boundaries, but we need to preserve
* whitespace as well. Therefore we split on words, but include
* all blocks of whitespace in the wordlist. */
$diff = new Horde_Text_Diff('native',
array($this->_splitOnWords($text1, $nl),
$this->_splitOnWords($text2, $nl)));
/* Get the diff in inline format. */
$renderer = new Horde_Text_Diff_Renderer_inline
array('split_level' => $this->_split_characters ? 'characters' : 'words')));
/* Run the diff and get the output. */
return str_replace($nl, "\n", $renderer->render($diff)) . "\n";
protected function _splitOnWords($string, $newlineEscape = "\n")
// Ignore \0; otherwise the while loop will never finish.
$string = str_replace("\0", '', $string);
$words = array();
$length = strlen($string);
$pos = 0;
while ($pos < $length) {
// Eat a word with any preceding whitespace.
$spaces = strspn(substr($string, $pos), " \n");
$nextpos = strcspn(substr($string, $pos + $spaces), " \n");
$words[] = str_replace("\n", $newlineEscape, substr($string, $pos, $spaces + $nextpos));
$pos += $spaces + $nextpos;
return $words;
protected function _encode(&$string)
$string = htmlspecialchars($string);
* "Unified" diff renderer.
* This class renders the diff in classic "unified diff" format.
* Copyright 2004-2012 Horde LLC (
* See the enclosed file COPYING for license information (LGPL). If you did
* not receive this file, see
* @author Ciprian Popovici
* @package Text_Diff
class Horde_Text_Diff_Renderer_Unified extends Horde_Text_Diff_Renderer
* Number of leading context "lines" to preserve.
protected $_leading_context_lines = 4;
* Number of trailing context "lines" to preserve.
protected $_trailing_context_lines = 4;
protected function _blockHeader($xbeg, $xlen, $ybeg, $ylen)
if ($xlen != 1) {
$xbeg .= ',' . $xlen;
if ($ylen != 1) {
$ybeg .= ',' . $ylen;
return "@@ -$xbeg +$ybeg @@";
protected function _context($lines)
return $this->_lines($lines, ' ');
protected function _added($lines)
return $this->_lines($lines, '+');
protected function _deleted($lines)
return $this->_lines($lines, '-');
protected function _changed($orig, $final)
return $this->_deleted($orig) . $this->_added($final);
* A class for computing three way merges.
* Copyright 2007-2012 Horde LLC (
* See the enclosed file COPYING for license information (LGPL). If you did
* not receive this file, see
* @package Text_Diff
* @author Geoffrey T. Dairiki <>
class Horde_Text_Diff_ThreeWay
* Array of changes.
* @var array
protected $_edits;
* Conflict counter.
* @var integer
protected $_conflictingBlocks = 0;
* Computes diff between 3 sequences of strings.
* @param array $orig The original lines to use.
* @param array $final1 The first version to compare to.
* @param array $final2 The second version to compare to.
public function __construct($orig, $final1, $final2)
if (extension_loaded('xdiff')) {
$engine = new Horde_Text_Diff_Engine_Xdiff();
} else {
$engine = new Horde_Text_Diff_Engine_Native();
$this->_edits = $this->_diff3($engine->diff($orig, $final1),
$engine->diff($orig, $final2));
public function mergedOutput($label1 = false, $label2 = false)
$lines = array();
foreach ($this->_edits as $edit) {
if ($edit->isConflict()) {
/* FIXME: this should probably be moved somewhere else. */
$lines = array_merge($lines,
array('<<<<<<<' . ($label1 ? ' ' . $label1 : '')),
array('>>>>>>>' . ($label2 ? ' ' . $label2 : '')));
} else {
$lines = array_merge($lines, $edit->merged());
return $lines;
protected function _diff3($edits1, $edits2)
$edits = array();
$bb = new Horde_Text_Diff_ThreeWay_BlockBuilder();
$e1 = current($edits1);
$e2 = current($edits2);
while ($e1 || $e2) {
if ($e1 && $e2 &&
$e1 instanceof Horde_Text_Diff_Op_Copy &&
$e2 instanceof Horde_Text_Diff_Op_Copy) {
/* We have copy blocks from both diffs. This is the (only)
* time we want to emit a diff3 copy block. Flush current
* diff3 diff block, if any. */
if ($edit = $bb->finish()) {
$edits[] = $edit;
$ncopy = min($e1->norig(), $e2->norig());
assert($ncopy > 0);
$edits[] = new Horde_Text_Diff_ThreeWay_Op_Copy(array_slice($e1->orig, 0, $ncopy));
if ($e1->norig() > $ncopy) {
array_splice($e1->orig, 0, $ncopy);
array_splice($e1->final, 0, $ncopy);
} else {
$e1 = next($edits1);
if ($e2->norig() > $ncopy) {
array_splice($e2->orig, 0, $ncopy);
array_splice($e2->final, 0, $ncopy);
} else {
$e2 = next($edits2);
} else {
if ($e1 && $e2) {
if ($e1->orig && $e2->orig) {
$norig = min($e1->norig(), $e2->norig());
$orig = array_splice($e1->orig, 0, $norig);
array_splice($e2->orig, 0, $norig);
if ($e1 instanceof Horde_Text_Diff_Op_Copy) {
$bb->out1(array_splice($e1->final, 0, $norig));
if ($e2 instanceof Horde_Text_Diff_Op_Copy) {
$bb->out2(array_splice($e2->final, 0, $norig));
if ($e1 && ! $e1->orig) {
$e1 = next($edits1);
if ($e2 && ! $e2->orig) {
$e2 = next($edits2);
if ($edit = $bb->finish()) {
$edits[] = $edit;
return $edits;
* Copyright 2007-2012 Horde LLC (
* See the enclosed file COPYING for license information (LGPL). If you did
* not receive this file, see
* @package Text_Diff
* @author Geoffrey T. Dairiki <>
class Horde_Text_Diff_ThreeWay_BlockBuilder
public function __construct()
public function input($lines)
if ($lines) {
$this->_append($this->orig, $lines);
public function out1($lines)
if ($lines) {
$this->_append($this->final1, $lines);
public function out2($lines)
if ($lines) {
$this->_append($this->final2, $lines);
public function isEmpty()
return !$this->orig && !$this->final1 && !$this->final2;
public function finish()
if ($this->isEmpty()) {
return false;
} else {
$edit = new Horde_Text_Diff_ThreeWay_Op_Base($this->orig, $this->final1, $this->final2);
return $edit;
protected function _init()
$this->orig = $this->final1 = $this->final2 = array();
protected function _append(&$array, $lines)
array_splice($array, sizeof($array), 0, $lines);
* Copyright 2007-2012 Horde LLC (
* See the enclosed file COPYING for license information (LGPL). If you did
* not receive this file, see
* @package Text_Diff
* @author Geoffrey T. Dairiki <>
class Horde_Text_Diff_ThreeWay_Op_Base
public function __construct($orig = false, $final1 = false, $final2 = false)
$this->orig = $orig ? $orig : array();
$this->final1 = $final1 ? $final1 : array();
$this->final2 = $final2 ? $final2 : array();
public function merged()
if (!isset($this->_merged)) {
if ($this->final1 === $this->final2) {
$this->_merged = &$this->final1;
} elseif ($this->final1 === $this->orig) {
$this->_merged = &$this->final2;
} elseif ($this->final2 === $this->orig) {
$this->_merged = &$this->final1;
} else {
$this->_merged = false;
return $this->_merged;
public function isConflict()
return $this->merged() === false;
* Copyright 2007-2012 Horde LLC (
* See the enclosed file COPYING for license information (LGPL). If you did
* not receive this file, see
* @package Text_Diff
* @author Geoffrey T. Dairiki <>
class Horde_Text_Diff_ThreeWay_Op_Copy extends Horde_Text_Diff_ThreeWay_Op_Base
public function __construct($lines = false)
$this->orig = $lines ? $lines : array();
$this->final1 = &$this->orig;
$this->final2 = &$this->orig;
public function merged()
return $this->orig;
public function isConflict()
return false;
* @var yii\base\View $this
* @var mixed $diff
<div class="default-diff">
<?php if ($diff === false): ?>
<div class="alert alert-danger">Diff is not supported for this file type.</div>
<?php elseif (empty($diff)): ?>
<div class="alert alert-success">Identical.</div>
<?php else: ?>
<div class="content">
<pre><?php echo $diff; ?></pre>
<?php endif; ?>
......@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ $this->title = 'Welcome to Gii';
<div class="default-index">
<div class="page-header">
<h1>Welcome to Gii <small>a magic tool that can build up an application for you</small></h1>
<h1>Welcome to Gii <small>a magic tool that can write code for you</small></h1>
<p class="lead">Start the fun with the following code generators:</p>
......@@ -3,13 +3,15 @@
use yii\gii\Generator;
use yii\helpers\Html;
use yii\widgets\ActiveForm;
use yii\gii\components\ActiveField;
use yii\gii\CodeFile;
* @var yii\base\View $this
* @var yii\gii\Generator $generator
* @var yii\widgets\ActiveForm $form
* @var string $result
* @var string $results
* @var boolean $hasError
* @var CodeFile[] $files
* @var array $answers
......@@ -25,37 +27,42 @@ foreach ($generator->templates as $name => $path) {
<p><?php echo $generator->getDescription(); ?></p>
<?php $form = ActiveForm::begin(array('fieldConfig' => array('class' => 'yii\gii\ActiveField'))); ?>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-lg-6">
<?php echo $this->renderFile($generator->formView(), array(
'generator' => $generator,
'form' => $form,
)); ?>
<?php echo $form->field($generator, 'template')->label(array('label' => 'Code Template'))->dropDownList($templates)->hint('
Please select which set of the templates should be used to generated the code.
'); ?>
<div class="form-group">
<?php echo Html::submitButton('Preview', array('name' => 'preview', 'class' => 'btn btn-primary')); ?>
<?php $form = ActiveForm::begin(array('fieldConfig' => array('class' => ActiveField::className()))); ?>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-lg-6">
<?php echo $this->renderFile($generator->formView(), array(
'generator' => $generator,
'form' => $form,
)); ?>
<?php echo $form->field($generator, 'template')->sticky()
->label(array('label' => 'Code Template'))
Please select which set of the templates should be used to generated the code.
'); ?>
<div class="form-group">
<?php echo Html::submitButton('Preview', array('name' => 'preview', 'class' => 'btn btn-primary')); ?>
<?php if(isset($files)): ?>
<?php echo Html::submitButton('Generate', array('name' => 'generate', 'class' => 'btn btn-danger')); ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php if(isset($files)): ?>
<?php echo Html::submitButton('Generate', array('name' => 'generate', 'class' => 'btn btn-danger')); ?>
<?php endif; ?>
if (isset($result)) {
echo '<div class="result">' . $result . '</div>';
} elseif (isset($files)) {
echo $this->render('_files', array(
'generator' => $generator,
'files' => $files,
'answers' => $answers,
if (isset($results)) {
echo $this->render('view/results', array(
'generator' => $generator,
'results' => $results,
'hasError' => $hasError,
} elseif (isset($files)) {
echo $this->render('view/files', array(
'generator' => $generator,
'files' => $files,
'answers' => $answers,
<?php ActiveForm::end(); ?>
......@@ -11,55 +11,69 @@ use yii\gii\CodeFile;
* @var array $answers
<table class="table table-bordered table-striped table-condensed code-files">
<th class="file">Code File</th>
<th class="action">Action</th>
$count = 0;
foreach ($files as $file) {
if ($file->operation !== CodeFile::OP_SKIP) {
<div class="default-view-files">
<p>Click on the above <code>Generate</code> button to generate the files selected below:</p>
<table class="table table-bordered table-striped table-condensed">
<th class="file">Code File</th>
<th class="action">Action</th>
foreach ($files as $file) {
if ($file->operation !== CodeFile::OP_SKIP) {
echo '<input type="checkbox" id="check-all">';
<?php foreach ($files as $file): ?>
<tr class="<?php echo $file->operation; ?>">
<td class="file">
<?php echo Html::a(Html::encode($file->getRelativePath()), array('preview', 'file' => $file->id), array('class' => 'preview-code', 'data-title' => $file->getRelativePath())); ?>
<?php if ($file->operation === CodeFile::OP_OVERWRITE): ?>
<?php echo Html::a('diff', array('diff', 'file' => $file->id), array('class' => 'diff-code label label-warning', 'data-title' => $file->getRelativePath())); ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<td class="action">
if ($file->operation === CodeFile::OP_SKIP) {
echo 'unchanged';
} else {
echo $file->operation;
if ($count > 1) {
echo '<input type="checkbox" id="check-all">';
<?php foreach ($files as $i => $file): ?>
<tr class="<?php echo $file->operation; ?>">
<td class="file">
<?php echo Html::a(Html::encode($file->getRelativePath()), array('code', 'file' => $i), array('class' => 'view-code', 'rel' => $file->path)); ?>
<?php if ($file->operation === CodeFile::OP_OVERWRITE): ?>
<?php echo Html::a('diff', array('diff', 'file' => $i), array('class' => 'view-code label label-warning', 'rel' => $file->path)); ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<td class="action">
if ($file->operation === CodeFile::OP_SKIP) {
echo 'unchanged';
} else {
echo $file->operation;
<td class="check">
if ($file->operation === CodeFile::OP_SKIP) {
echo '&nbsp;';
} else {
$key = md5($file->path);
echo Html::checkBox("answers[$key]", isset($answers) ? isset($answers[$key]) : ($file->operation === CodeFile::OP_NEW));
<?php endforeach; ?>
<td class="check">
if ($file->operation === CodeFile::OP_SKIP) {
echo '&nbsp;';
} else {
echo Html::checkBox("answers[{$file->id}]", isset($answers) ? isset($answers[$file->id]) : ($file->operation === CodeFile::OP_NEW));
<?php endforeach; ?>
<div class="modal fade" id="preview-modal">
<div class="modal-dialog">
<div class="modal-content">
<div class="modal-header">
<button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-hidden="true">&times;</button>
<h4 class="modal-title">Modal title</h4>
<div class="modal-body">
<p>Please wait ...</p>
use yii\gii\Generator;
use yii\gii\CodeFile;
* @var yii\base\View $this
* @var yii\gii\Generator $generator
* @var string $results
* @var boolean $hasError
<div class="default-view-results">
if ($hasError) {
echo '<div class="alert alert-danger">There was something wrong when generating the code. Please check the following messages.</div>';
} else {
echo '<div class="alert alert-success">' . $generator->successMessage() . '</div>';
<pre><?php echo $results; ?></pre>
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