Commit 0ab0eb49 by Nobuo Kihara

docs/guide-ja/ - charset [ci skip]

parent 4f2d46a4
......@@ -273,18 +273,18 @@ if (YII_ENV_DEV) {
#### [[yii\base\Application::modules|modules]] <a name="modules"></a>
This property specifies the [modules]( that the application contains.
このプロパティはアプリケーションが含む [モジュール]( を規定します。
The property takes an array of module classes or [configurations]( with the array keys
being the module IDs. For example,
このプロパティは、モジュールのクラスまたは [コンフィギュレーション]( の配列であり、
その配列のキーはモジュールの ID です。例えば、
'modules' => [
// a "booking" module specified with the module class
// モジュールクラスで規定された "booking" モジュール
'booking' => 'app\modules\booking\BookingModule',
// a "comment" module specified with a configuration array
// コンフィギュレーション配列で規定された "comment" モジュール
'comment' => [
'class' => 'app\modules\comment\CommentModule',
'db' => 'db',
......@@ -293,24 +293,24 @@ being the module IDs. For example,
Please refer to the [Modules]( section for more details.
詳細は [モジュール]( の節を参照してください。
#### [[yii\base\Application::name|name]] <a name="name"></a>
This property specifies the application name that may be displayed to end users. Unlike the
[[yii\base\Application::id|id]] property which should take a unique value, the value of this property is mainly for
display purpose and does not need to be unique.
[[yii\base\Application::id|id]] プロパティがユニークな値でなければならないのとは違って、このプロパティの値は
You do not always need to configure this property if none of your code is using it.
#### [[yii\base\Application::params|params]] <a name="params"></a>
This property specifies an array of globally accessible application parameters. Instead of using hardcoded
numbers and strings everywhere in your code, it is a good practice to define them as application parameters
in a single place and use the parameters in places where needed. For example, you may define the thumbnail
image size as a parameter like the following:
......@@ -320,58 +320,58 @@ image size as a parameter like the following:
Then in your code where you need to use the size value, you can simply use the code like the following:
$size = \Yii::$app->params['thumbnail.size'];
$width = \Yii::$app->params['thumbnail.size'][0];
Later if you decide to change the thumbnail size, you only need to modify it in the application configuration
without touching any dependent code.
#### [[yii\base\Application::sourceLanguage|sourceLanguage]] <a name="sourceLanguage"></a>
This property specifies the language that the application code is written in. The default value is `'en-US'`,
meaning English (United States). You should configure this property if the text content in your code is not in English.
Like the [language](#language) property, you should configure this property in terms of
an [IETF language tag]( For example, `en` stands for English,
while `en-US` stands for English (United States).
[language](#language) プロパティと同様に、このプロパティは [IETF 言語タグ]( に従って構成すべきです。
例えば、`en` は英語を意味し、`en-US` はアメリカ合衆国の英語を意味します。
More details about this property can be found in the [Internationalization]( section.
このプロパティに関する更なる詳細は [国際化]( の節で読むことが出来ます。
#### [[yii\base\Application::timeZone|timeZone]] <a name="timeZone"></a>
This property is provided as an alternative way of setting the default time zone of PHP runtime.
By configuring this property, you are essentially calling the PHP function
[date_default_timezone_set()]( For example,
このプロパティは、PHP ランタイムのデフォルトタイムゾーンを設定する代替手段として提供されています。
このプロパティを構成すると、本質的には PHP 関数 [date_default_timezone_set()]( を呼ぶことになります。
'timeZone' => 'America/Los_Angeles',
'timeZone' => 'Asia/Tokyo',
#### [[yii\base\Application::version|version]] <a name="version"></a>
This property specifies the version of the application. It defaults to `'1.0'`. You do not always need to configure
this property if none of your code is using it.
このプロパティはアプリケーションのバージョンを規定します。デフォルト値は `'1.0'` です。
### Useful Properties <a name="useful-properties"></a>
### 有用なプロパティ <a name="useful-properties"></a>
The properties described in this subsection are not commonly configured because their default values
stipulate common conventions. However, you may still configure them in case you want to break the conventions.
#### [[yii\base\Application::charset|charset]] <a name="charset"></a>
This property specifies the charset that the application uses. The default value is `'UTF-8'` which should
be kept as is for most applications unless you are working with some legacy systems that use a lot of non-unicode data.
このプロパティはアプリケーションが使う文字セットを規定します。デフォルト値は `'UTF-8'` であり、
#### [[yii\base\Application::defaultRoute|defaultRoute]] <a name="defaultRoute"></a>
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