VendorTestCase.php 995 Bytes

namespace yiiunit;

use yii\base\NotSupportedException;
use Yii;

 * This is the base class for all yii framework unit tests, which requires
 * external vendor libraries to function.
class VendorTestCase extends TestCase
     * This method is called before the first test of this test class is run.
     * Attempts to load vendor autoloader.
     * @throws \yii\base\NotSupportedException
    public static function setUpBeforeClass()
        $vendorDir = __DIR__ . '/../../vendor';
        if (!is_dir($vendorDir)) {
            // this is used by `yii2-dev`
            $vendorDir = __DIR__ . '/../../../../../vendor';
        Yii::setAlias('@vendor', $vendorDir);
        $vendorAutoload = $vendorDir . '/autoload.php';
        if (file_exists($vendorAutoload)) {
        } else {
            throw new NotSupportedException("Vendor autoload file '{$vendorAutoload}' is missing.");