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Yii Framework 2 elasticsearch extension Change Log

2.0.0 beta under development

  • Bug #1993: afterFind event in AR is now called after relations have been populated (cebe, creocoder)
  • Bug #2324: Fixed QueryBuilder bug when building a query with "query" option (mintao)
  • Enh #1313: made index and type available in ActiveRecord::instantiate() to allow creating records based on elasticsearch type when doing cross index/type search (cebe)
  • Enh #1382: Added a debug toolbar panel for elasticsearch (cebe)
  • Enh #1765: Added support for primary key path mapping, pk can now be part of the attributes when mapping is defined (cebe)
  • Chg #1765: Changed handling of ActiveRecord primary keys, removed getId(), use getPrimaryKey() instead (cebe)
  • Chg #2281: Renamed ActiveRecord::create() to populateRecord() and changed signature. This method will not call instantiate() anymore (cebe)

2.0.0 alpha, December 1, 2013

  • Initial release.