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The Definitive Guide to Yii 2.0
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This tutorial is released under the [Terms of Yii Documentation](

All Rights Reserved.

2014 (c) Yii Software LLC.


* [About Yii]( - What is Yii and what is it good for?
* [Upgrading from Version 1.1](

Getting Started

* **TBD** [Overview]( - Where should you start from?
* [Starting with Basic App]( - Best for developing a single-tier application by a single person
* [Starting with Advanced App]( - Best for developing an enterprise application by a team
* [Starting from Scratch]( - Learning more in-depth details of creating a Yii application step-by-step

Basic Concepts

* [Object Properties](
* [Events](
* [Behaviors](
* [Object Configurations](
* **TBD** [Class Autoloading](
* **TBD** [Path Aliases](
* **TBD** [Extensions](
* [Service Locator](
* **TBD** [Dependency Injection Container](

Basic Structure

* [MVC Overview](
* **TBD** [Entry Scripts](
* **TBD** [Applications](
* [Controllers and Actions](
* [Views](
* [Models](
* **TBD** [Widgets](
* **TBD** [Modules](

Handling Requests

* **TBD** [Request Lifecycle](
* **TBD** [Bootstrapping](
* **TBD** [Routing](
* **TBD** [Requests](
* **TBD** [Responses](
* **TBD** [Sessions and Cookies](
* [URL Parsing and Generation](
* **TBD** [Filtering](

Collecting Inputs

* [Creating Forms](
* [Input Validation](
* **TBD** [Uploading Files](
* **TBD** [Inputs for Multiple Models](

Presenting Data

* **TBD** [Data Formatting](
* **TBD** [Pagination](
* **TBD** [Sorting](
* [Data Providers](
* [Data Widgets](
* [Managing Assets](

Working with Database

* [Data Access Objects]( - Connecting to a database, basic queries, transactions and schema manipulation
* [Query Builder]( - Querying the database using a simple abstraction layer
* [Active Record]( - The active record ORM, retrieving and manipulating records and defining relations
* [Migrations](
* **TBD** [Sphinx](
* **TBD** [Redis](
* **TBD** [MongoDB](
* **TBD** [ElasticSearch](


* [Authentication](
* [Authorization](
* [Working with Passwords](
* **TBD** [Auth Clients](
* **TBD** [Best Practices](


* [Overview](
* **TBD** [Data Caching](
* **TBD** [Fragment and Page Caching](
* **TBD** [HTTP Caching](

RESTful Web Services

* [Quick Start](
* **TBD** [Resources](
* **TBD** [Routing](
* **TBD** [Data Formatting](
* **TBD** [Authentication](
* **TBD** [Rate Limiting](
* **TBD** [Versioning](
* **TBD** [Caching](
* **TBD** [Error Handling](
* **TBD** [Testing](


* [Overview](
* **TBD** [Unit Tests](
* **TBD** [Functional Tests](
* **TBD** [Acceptance Tests](
* [Fixtures](

Extending Yii

* [Creating Extensions](
* [Customizing Core Code](
* [Using 3rd-Party Libraries](
* **TBD** [Using Yii in 3rd-Party Systems](
* **TBD** [Using Yii 1.1 and 2.0 Together](
* [Using Composer](

Development Tools

* [Debug Toolbar and Debugger](
* [Generating Code using Gii](
* **TBD** [Generating API Documentation](

Special Topics

* [Configuring Web Servers](
* [Console Commands](
* [Handling Errors](
* [Internationalization](
* [Logging](
* **TBD** [Mailing](
* [Performance Tuning](
* [Template Engines](
* [Theming](


* GridView: link to demo page
* ListView: link to demo page
* DetailView: link to demo page
* ActiveForm: link to demo page
* Pjax: link to demo page
* Menu: link to demo page
* LinkPager: link to demo page
* LinkSorter: link to demo page
* [Bootstrap Widgets](
* **TBD** [Jquery UI Widgets](


* **TBD** [ArrayHelper](
* **TBD** [Html](
* **TBD** [Url](
* **TBD** [Security](
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