Codeception Extension for Yii 2

This extension provides [Codeception]( integration for the Yii Framework 2.0.

It provides classes that help with testing with codeception:

- a base class for unit-tests: `yii\codeception\TestCase`;
- a base class for codeception page-objects: `yii\codeception\BasePage`.


The preferred way to install this extension is through [composer](

Either run

php composer.phar require --prefer-dist yiisoft/yii2-codeception "*"

or add

"yiisoft/yii2-codeception": "*"

to the require section of your composer.json.


When using codeception page-objects they have some similar code, this code was extracted and put into the `BasePage`
class to reduce code duplication. Simply extend your page object from this class, like it is done in `yii2-app-basic` and
`yii2-app-advanced` boilerplates.

For unit testing there is a `TestCase` class which holds some common features like application creation before each test
and application destroy after each test. You can configure a mock application using this class.
`TestCase` is extended from `Codeception\TestCase\Case` so all methods and assertions are available.
You may use codeception modules and fire events in your test, just use methods:

Getting Codeception modules

If you want to use codeception modules and helpers in your unit tests, you can do it like this:

#in your unit-test
$this->getModule('CodeHelper'); #or some other module

You also can use all guy methods by accessing guy instance like:

Codeception events

To fire event do this:

use Codeception\Event\TestEvent;

public function testSomething()
	$this->fire('myevent', new TestEvent($this));
this event can be catched in modules and helpers. If your test is in the group, then event name will be followed by the groupname, 
for example ```myevent.somegroup```.

Special test method chaining

Execution of special tests methods is (for example on ```UserTest``` class):








If you use special methods dont forget to call its parent.

Customizing application config

You may need to specify different configuration files per test cases, to do this you can make it like the following:


SomeConsoleTest extends \yii\codeception\TestCase
	// this is the config file to load as application config
	public $appConfig = '@app/path/to/my/custom/config/for/test.php';

The `$appConfig` property could be an array or a valid alias, pointing to the file that returns a config array. You can specify
application class in the config, for example for testing console commands or features you can create `_console.php` config under
`tests/unit` directory like this:

return yii\helpers\ArrayHelper::merge(
	require(__DIR__ . '/../../config/console.php'),
	require(__DIR__ . '/../_config.php'),
		'class' => 'yii\console\Application',
		'components' => [
			//override console components if needed

and then just use your `ConsoleTestCase` like the following:


use \yii\codeception\TestCase;

class ConsoleTestCase extends TestCase
	public $appConfig = '@tests/unit/_console.php';

You can extend other console test cases from this basic `ConsoleTestCase`.

Reconfiguring components for testing

You can reconfigure a component for testing, for this purpose in your `setUp` method of your test case 
you can do this for example:


use \yii\codeception\TestCase;
use Yii;

class MailTest extends TestCase

	protected function setUp()
		// don't forget to call parent method that will setup Yii application

		Yii::$app->mail->fileTransportCallback = function ($mailer, $message) {
			return 'testing_message.eml';


You don't need to worry about application instances and isolation because application will be created [each time]( before any of test method will be executed in test case.
You can mock application in a different way. For this purposes you have method [`mockApplication`]( available in your test case.
This method creates new application instance and replaces old one with it and is handy when you need to create application with a config that is different from other test methods in the current test suite. For example:


use \yii\codeception\TestCase;

class SomeMyTest extends TestCase

	public function testOne()

	public function testTwo()
			'language' => 'ru-RU',
			'components' => [
				'db' => [
					//your custom configuration here

		//your expectations and assertions goes here

	public function testThree()


Additional debug output

Because of Codeception buffers all output you can't make simple `var_dump()` in the TestCase, instead you need to use
`Codeception\Util\Debug::debug()` function and then run test with `--debug` key, for example:


use Codeception\Util\Debug;

SomeDebugTest extends \yii\codeception\TestCase
	public function testSmth()
		Debug::debug('some string');


Then run command `php codecept.phar run --debug unit/SomeDebugTest` and you will see in output:

  some string

      [0] => 1
      [1] => 2
      [2] => 3
      [3] => 4
      [4] => 5
  yii\web\User Object
      [identityClass] => app\models\User
      [enableAutoLogin] => 
      [loginUrl] => Array
              [0] => site/login
      [identityCookie] => Array
              [name] => _identity
              [httpOnly] => 1
      [authTimeout] => 
      [autoRenewCookie] => 1
      [idVar] => __id
      [authTimeoutVar] => __expire
      [returnUrlVar] => __returnUrl
      [_access:yii\web\User:private] => Array
      [_identity:yii\web\User:private] => 
      [_events:yii\base\Component:private] => 
      [_behaviors:yii\base\Component:private] => 


For further instructions refer to the testing section in the [Yii Definitive Guide](