Yii Framework 2 sphinx extension Change Log =========================================== 2.0.0-rc under development -------------------------- - Bug #3668: Escaping of the special characters at 'MATCH' statement added (klimov-paul) - Bug #4018: AR relation eager loading does not work with db models (klimov-paul) - Enh: Added support for using sub-queries when building a DB query with `IN` condition (qiangxue) - Enh #3520: Added `unlinkAll()`-method to active record to remove all records of a model relation (NmDimas, samdark, cebe) - Chg #2287: Split `yii\sphinx\ColumnSchema::typecast()` into two methods `phpTypecast()` and `dbTypecast()` to allow specifying PDO type explicitly (cebe) 2.0.0-beta April 13, 2014 ------------------------- - Bug #1993: afterFind event in AR is now called after relations have been populated (cebe, creocoder) - Bug #2160: SphinxQL does not support `OFFSET` (qiangxue, romeo7) - Enh #1398: Refactor ActiveRecord to use BaseActiveRecord class of the framework (klimov-paul) - Enh #2002: Added filterWhere() method to yii\spinx\Query to allow easy addition of search filter conditions by ignoring empty search fields (samdark, cebe) - Enh #2892: ActiveRecord dirty attributes are now reset after call to `afterSave()` so information about changed attributes is available in `afterSave`-event (cebe) - Enh #3964: Gii generator for Active Record model added (klimov-paul) - Chg #2281: Renamed `ActiveRecord::create()` to `populateRecord()` and changed signature. This method will not call instantiate() anymore (cebe) - Chg #2146: Removed `ActiveRelation` class and moved the functionality to `ActiveQuery`. All relational queries are now directly served by `ActiveQuery` allowing to use custom scopes in relations (cebe) 2.0.0-alpha, December 1, 2013 ----------------------------- - Initial release.