<?php /** * @link http://www.yiiframework.com/ * @copyright Copyright (c) 2008 Yii Software LLC * @license http://www.yiiframework.com/license/ */ namespace yii\build\controllers; use Yii; use yii\console\Controller; use yii\helpers\Console; use yii\helpers\FileHelper; /** * PhpDocController is there to help maintaining PHPDoc annotation in class files * * @author Carsten Brandt <mail@cebe.cc> * @author Alexander Makarov <sam@rmcreative.ru> * @since 2.0 */ class PhpDocController extends Controller { public $defaultAction = 'property'; /** * @var bool whether to update class docs directly. Setting this to false will just output docs * for copy and paste. */ public $updateFiles = true; /** * Generates `@property annotations` in class files from getters and setters * * Property description will be taken from getter or setter or from an `@property annotation` * in the getters docblock if there is one defined. * * See https://github.com/yiisoft/yii2/wiki/Core-framework-code-style#documentation for details. * * @param string $root the directory to parse files from. Defaults to YII_PATH. */ public function actionProperty($root = null) { $except = []; if ($root === null) { $root = dirname(YII_PATH); $extensionPath = "$root/extensions"; foreach (scandir($extensionPath) as $extension) { if (ctype_alpha($extension) && is_dir($extensionPath . '/' . $extension)) { Yii::setAlias("@yii/$extension", "$extensionPath/$extension"); } } $except = [ '.git/', '/apps/', '/build/', '/docs/', '/extensions/apidoc/helpers/PrettyPrinter.php', '/extensions/codeception/TestCase.php', '/extensions/codeception/DbTestCase.php', '/extensions/composer/', '/extensions/gii/components/DiffRendererHtmlInline.php', '/extensions/twig/TwigSimpleFileLoader.php', '/framework/BaseYii.php', '/framework/Yii.php', '/tests/', '/vendor/', ]; } $root = FileHelper::normalizePath($root); $options = [ 'filter' => function ($path) { if (is_file($path)) { $file = basename($path); if ($file[0] < 'A' || $file[0] > 'Z') { return false; } } return null; }, 'only' => ['*.php'], 'except' => array_merge($except, [ 'views/', 'requirements/', 'gii/generators/', 'vendor/', ]), ]; $files = FileHelper::findFiles($root, $options); $nFilesTotal = 0; $nFilesUpdated = 0; foreach ($files as $file) { $result = $this->generateClassPropertyDocs($file); if ($result !== false) { list($className, $phpdoc) = $result; if ($this->updateFiles) { if ($this->updateClassPropertyDocs($file, $className, $phpdoc)) { $nFilesUpdated++; } } elseif (!empty($phpdoc)) { $this->stdout("\n[ " . $file . " ]\n\n", Console::BOLD); $this->stdout($phpdoc); } } $nFilesTotal++; } $this->stdout("\nParsed $nFilesTotal files.\n"); $this->stdout("Updated $nFilesUpdated files.\n"); } /** * @inheritdoc */ public function globalOptions() { return array_merge(parent::globalOptions(), ['updateFiles']); } protected function updateClassPropertyDocs($file, $className, $propertyDoc) { $ref = new \ReflectionClass($className); if ($ref->getFileName() != $file) { $this->stderr("[ERR] Unable to create ReflectionClass for class: $className loaded class is not from file: $file\n", Console::FG_RED); } if (!$ref->isSubclassOf('yii\base\Object') && $className != 'yii\base\Object') { $this->stderr("[INFO] Skipping class $className as it is not a subclass of yii\\base\\Object.\n", Console::FG_BLUE, Console::BOLD); return false; } $oldDoc = $ref->getDocComment(); $newDoc = $this->cleanDocComment($this->updateDocComment($oldDoc, $propertyDoc)); $seenSince = false; $seenAuthor = false; // TODO move these checks to different action $lines = explode("\n", $newDoc); if (trim($lines[1]) == '*' || substr(trim($lines[1]), 0, 3) == '* @') { $this->stderr("[WARN] Class $className has no short description.\n", Console::FG_YELLOW, Console::BOLD); } foreach ($lines as $line) { if (substr(trim($line), 0, 9) == '* @since ') { $seenSince = true; } elseif (substr(trim($line), 0, 10) == '* @author ') { $seenAuthor = true; } } if (!$seenSince) { $this->stderr("[ERR] No @since found in class doc in file: $file\n", Console::FG_RED); } if (!$seenAuthor) { $this->stderr("[ERR] No @author found in class doc in file: $file\n", Console::FG_RED); } if (trim($oldDoc) != trim($newDoc)) { $fileContent = explode("\n", file_get_contents($file)); $start = $ref->getStartLine() - 2; $docStart = $start - count(explode("\n", $oldDoc)) + 1; $newFileContent = []; $n = count($fileContent); for ($i = 0; $i < $n; $i++) { if ($i > $start || $i < $docStart) { $newFileContent[] = $fileContent[$i]; } else { $newFileContent[] = trim($newDoc); $i = $start; } } file_put_contents($file, implode("\n", $newFileContent)); return true; } return false; } /** * remove multi empty lines and trim trailing whitespace * * @param $doc * @return string */ protected function cleanDocComment($doc) { $lines = explode("\n", $doc); $n = count($lines); for ($i = 0; $i < $n; $i++) { $lines[$i] = rtrim($lines[$i]); if (trim($lines[$i]) == '*' && trim($lines[$i + 1]) == '*') { unset($lines[$i]); } } return implode("\n", $lines); } /** * Replace property annotations in doc comment * @param $doc * @param $properties * @return string */ protected function updateDocComment($doc, $properties) { $lines = explode("\n", $doc); $propertyPart = false; $propertyPosition = false; foreach ($lines as $i => $line) { if (substr(trim($line), 0, 12) == '* @property ') { $propertyPart = true; } elseif ($propertyPart && trim($line) == '*') { $propertyPosition = $i; $propertyPart = false; } if (substr(trim($line), 0, 10) == '* @author ' && $propertyPosition === false) { $propertyPosition = $i - 1; $propertyPart = false; } if ($propertyPart) { unset($lines[$i]); } } $finalDoc = ''; foreach ($lines as $i => $line) { $finalDoc .= $line . "\n"; if ($i == $propertyPosition) { $finalDoc .= $properties; } } return $finalDoc; } protected function generateClassPropertyDocs($fileName) { $phpdoc = ""; $file = str_replace("\r", "", str_replace("\t", " ", file_get_contents($fileName, true))); $ns = $this->match('#\nnamespace (?<name>[\w\\\\]+);\n#', $file); $namespace = reset($ns); $namespace = $namespace['name']; $classes = $this->match('#\n(?:abstract )?class (?<name>\w+)( extends .+)?( implements .+)?\n\{(?<content>.*)\n\}(\n|$)#', $file); if (count($classes) > 1) { $this->stderr("[ERR] There should be only one class in a file: $fileName\n", Console::FG_RED); return false; } if (count($classes) < 1) { $interfaces = $this->match('#\ninterface (?<name>\w+)( extends .+)?\n\{(?<content>.+)\n\}(\n|$)#', $file); if (count($interfaces) == 1) { return false; } elseif (count($interfaces) > 1) { $this->stderr("[ERR] There should be only one interface in a file: $fileName\n", Console::FG_RED); } else { $traits = $this->match('#\ntrait (?<name>\w+)\n\{(?<content>.+)\n\}(\n|$)#', $file); if (count($traits) == 1) { return false; } elseif (count($traits) > 1) { $this->stderr("[ERR] There should be only one class/trait/interface in a file: $fileName\n", Console::FG_RED); } else { $this->stderr("[ERR] No class in file: $fileName\n", Console::FG_RED); } } return false; } $className = null; foreach ($classes as &$class) { $className = $namespace . '\\' . $class['name']; $gets = $this->match( '#\* @return (?<type>[\w\\|\\\\\\[\\]]+)(?: (?<comment>(?:(?!\*/|\* @).)+?)(?:(?!\*/).)+|[\s\n]*)\*/' . '[\s\n]{2,}public function (?<kind>get)(?<name>\w+)\((?:,? ?\$\w+ ?= ?[^,]+)*\)#', $class['content']); $sets = $this->match( '#\* @param (?<type>[\w\\|\\\\\\[\\]]+) \$\w+(?: (?<comment>(?:(?!\*/|\* @).)+?)(?:(?!\*/).)+|[\s\n]*)\*/' . '[\s\n]{2,}public function (?<kind>set)(?<name>\w+)\(\$\w+(?:, ?\$\w+ ?= ?[^,]+)*\)#', $class['content']); // check for @property annotations in getter and setter $properties = $this->match( '#\* @(?<kind>property) (?<type>[\w\\|\\\\\\[\\]]+)(?: (?<comment>(?:(?!\*/|\* @).)+?)(?:(?!\*/).)+|[\s\n]*)\*/' . '[\s\n]{2,}public function [g|s]et(?<name>\w+)\(((?:,? ?\$\w+ ?= ?[^,]+)*|\$\w+(?:, ?\$\w+ ?= ?[^,]+)*)\)#', $class['content']); $acrs = array_merge($properties, $gets, $sets); $props = []; foreach ($acrs as &$acr) { $acr['name'] = lcfirst($acr['name']); $acr['comment'] = trim(preg_replace('#(^|\n)\s+\*\s?#', '$1 * ', $acr['comment'])); $props[$acr['name']][$acr['kind']] = [ 'type' => $acr['type'], 'comment' => $this->fixSentence($acr['comment']), ]; } ksort($props); if (count($props) > 0) { $phpdoc .= " *\n"; foreach ($props as $propName => &$prop) { $docline = ' * @'; $docline .= 'property'; // Do not use property-read and property-write as few IDEs support complex syntax. $note = ''; if (isset($prop['get']) && isset($prop['set'])) { if ($prop['get']['type'] != $prop['set']['type']) { $note = ' Note that the type of this property differs in getter and setter.' . ' See [[get' . ucfirst($propName) . '()]] and [[set' . ucfirst($propName) . '()]] for details.'; } } elseif (isset($prop['get'])) { // check if parent class has setter defined $c = $className; $parentSetter = false; while($parent = get_parent_class($c)) { if (method_exists($parent, 'set' . ucfirst($propName))) { $parentSetter = true; break; } $c = $parent; } if (!$parentSetter) { $note = ' This property is read-only.'; // $docline .= '-read'; } } elseif (isset($prop['set'])) { // check if parent class has getter defined $c = $className; $parentGetter = false; while($parent = get_parent_class($c)) { if (method_exists($parent, 'set' . ucfirst($propName))) { $parentGetter = true; break; } $c = $parent; } if (!$parentGetter) { $note = ' This property is write-only.'; // $docline .= '-write'; } } else { continue; } $docline .= ' ' . $this->getPropParam($prop, 'type') . " $$propName "; $comment = explode("\n", $this->getPropParam($prop, 'comment') . $note); foreach ($comment as &$cline) { $cline = ltrim($cline, '* '); } $docline = wordwrap($docline . implode(' ', $comment), 110, "\n * ") . "\n"; $phpdoc .= $docline; } $phpdoc .= " *\n"; } } return [$className, $phpdoc]; } protected function match($pattern, $subject) { $sets = []; preg_match_all($pattern . 'suU', $subject, $sets, PREG_SET_ORDER); foreach ($sets as &$set) foreach ($set as $i => $match) if (is_numeric($i) /*&& $i != 0*/) unset($set[$i]); return $sets; } protected function fixSentence($str) { // TODO fix word wrap if ($str == '') return ''; return strtoupper(substr($str, 0, 1)) . substr($str, 1) . ($str[strlen($str) - 1] != '.' ? '.' : ''); } protected function getPropParam($prop, $param) { return isset($prop['property']) ? $prop['property'][$param] : (isset($prop['get']) ? $prop['get'][$param] : $prop['set'][$param]); } }