Active Record

ActiveRecord implements the [Active Record design pattern](
The idea is that an [[ActiveRecord]] object is associated with a row in a database table and its attributes are mapped
to the columns of the corresponding table columns. Reading an ActiveRecord attribute is equivalent to accessing
the corresponding table column. For example, a `Customer` object is associated with a row in the
`tbl_customer` table, and its `name` attribute is mapped to the `name` column in the `tbl_customer` table.
To get the value of the `name` column in the table row, you can simply use the expression `$customer->name`,
just like reading an object property.

Instead of writing raw SQL statements to perform database queries, you can call intuitive methods provided
by ActiveRecord to achieve the same goals. For example, calling [[ActiveRecord::save()|save()]] would
insert or update a row in the associated table of the ActiveRecord class:

$customer = new Customer();
$customer->name = 'Qiang';
$customer->save();  // a new row is inserted into tbl_customer

Declaring ActiveRecord Classes

To declare an ActiveRecord class you need to extend [[\yii\db\ActiveRecord]] and
implement the `tableName` method like the following:

use yii\db\ActiveRecord;

class Customer extends ActiveRecord
	 * @return string the name of the table associated with this ActiveRecord class.
	public static function tableName()
		return 'tbl_customer';

Connecting to Database

ActiveRecord relies on a [[Connection|DB connection]] to perform the underlying DB operations.
By default, it assumes that there is an application component named `db` which gives the needed
[[Connection]] instance. Usually this component is configured via application configuration
like the following:

return array(
	'components' => array(
		'db' => array(
			'class' => 'yii\db\Connection',
			'dsn' => 'mysql:host=localhost;dbname=testdb',
			'username' => 'demo',
			'password' => 'demo',

Please read the [Database basics]( section to learn more on how to configure
and use database connections.

> Tip: To use a different database connection, you may override the [[ActiveRecord::getDb()]] method.
You may create a base ActiveRecord class and override its [[ActiveRecord::getDb()]] method. You
then extend from this base class for all those ActiveRecord classes that need to use the same
DB connection.

Querying Data from Database

There are two ActiveRecord methods for querying data from database:

 - [[ActiveRecord::find()]]
 - [[ActiveRecord::findBySql()]]

They both return an [[ActiveQuery]] instance which extends from [[Query]] and thus supports
the same set of flexible and powerful DB query methods. The followings are some examples,

// to retrieve all *active* customers and order them by their ID:
$customers = Customer::find()
	->where(array('status' => $active))

// to return a single customer whose ID is 1:
$customer = Customer::find(1);

// the above code is equivalent to the following:
$customer = Customer::find()
	->where(array('id' => 1))

// to retrieve customers using a raw SQL statement:
$sql = 'SELECT * FROM tbl_customer';
$customers = Customer::findBySql($sql)->all();

// to return the number of *active* customers:
$count = Customer::find()
	->where(array('status' => $active))

// to return customers in terms of arrays rather than `Customer` objects:
$customers = Customer::find()
// each element of $customers is an array of name-value pairs

// to index the result by customer IDs:
$customers = Customer::find()->indexBy('id')->all();
// $customers array is indexed by customer IDs

Accessing Column Data

ActiveRecord maps each column of the corresponding database table row to an *attribute* in the ActiveRecord
object. An attribute is like a regular object property whose name is the same as the corresponding column
name and is case-sensitive.

To read the value of a column, you can use the following expression:

// "id" is the name of a column in the table associated with $customer ActiveRecord object
$id = $customer->id;
// or alternatively,
$id = $customer->getAttribute('id');

You can get all column values through the [[ActiveRecord::attributes]] property:

$values = $customer->attributes;

Manipulating Data in Database

ActiveRecord provides the following methods to insert, update and delete data in the database:

- [[ActiveRecord::save()|save()]]
- [[ActiveRecord::insert()|insert()]]
- [[ActiveRecord::update()|update()]]
- [[ActiveRecord::delete()|delete()]]
- [[ActiveRecord::updateCounters()|updateCounters()]]
- [[ActiveRecord::updateAll()|updateAll()]]
- [[ActiveRecord::updateAllCounters()|updateAllCounters()]]
- [[ActiveRecord::deleteAll()|deleteAll()]]

Note that [[ActiveRecord::updateAll()|updateAll()]], [[ActiveRecord::updateAllCounters()|updateAllCounters()]]
and [[ActiveRecord::deleteAll()|deleteAll()]] are static methods and apply to the whole database
table, while the rest of the methods only apply to the row associated with the ActiveRecord object.

The followings are some examples:

// to insert a new customer record
$customer = new Customer;
$customer->name = 'James';
$customer->email = '';
$customer->save();  // equivalent to $customer->insert();

// to update an existing customer record
$customer = Customer::find($id);
$customer->email = '';
$customer->save();  // equivalent to $customer->update();

// to delete an existing customer record
$customer = Customer::find($id);

// to increment the age of ALL customers by 1
Customer::updateAllCounters(array('age' => 1));

Querying Relational Data

You can use ActiveRecord to query the relational data of a table. The relational data returned can
be accessed like a property of the ActiveRecord object associated with the primary table.
For example, with an appropriate relation declaration, by accessing `$customer->orders` you may obtain
an array of `Order` objects which represent the orders placed by the specified customer.

To declare a relation, define a getter method which returns an [[ActiveRelation]] object. For example,

class Customer extends \yii\db\ActiveRecord
	public function getOrders()
		return $this->hasMany('Order', array('customer_id' => 'id'));

class Order extends \yii\db\ActiveRecord
	public function getCustomer()
		return $this->hasOne('Customer', array('id' => 'customer_id'));

The methods [[ActiveRecord::hasMany()]] and [[ActiveRecord::hasOne()]] used in the above
are used to model the many-one relationship and one-one relationship in a relational database.
For example, a customer has many orders, and an order has one customer.
Both methods take two parameters and return an [[ActiveRelation]] object:

 - `$class`: the name of the class of the related model(s). If specified without
   a namespace, the namespace of the related model class will be taken from the declaring class.
 - `$link`: the association between columns from the two tables. This should be given as an array.
   The keys of the array are the names of the columns from the table associated with `$class`,
   while the values of the array are the names of the columns from the declaring class.
   It is a good practice to define relationships based on table foreign keys.

After declaring relations, getting relational data is as easy as accessing a component property
that is defined by the corresponding getter method:

// get the orders of a customer
$customer = Customer::find(1);
$orders = $customer->orders;  // $orders is an array of Order objects

Behind the scene, the above code executes the following two SQL queries, one for each line of code:

SELECT * FROM tbl_customer WHERE id=1;
SELECT * FROM tbl_order WHERE customer_id=1;

> Tip: If you access the expression `$customer->orders` again, will it perform the second SQL query again?
Nope. The SQL query is only performed the first time when this expression is accessed. Any further
accesses will only return the previously fetched results that are cached internally. If you want to re-query
the relational data, simply unset the existing one first: `unset($customer->orders);`.

Sometimes, you may want to pass parameters to a relational query. For example, instead of returning
all orders of a customer, you may want to return only big orders whose subtotal exceeds a specified amount.
To do so, declare a `bigOrders` relation with the following getter method:

class Customer extends \yii\db\ActiveRecord
	public function getBigOrders($threshold = 100)
		return $this->hasMany('Order', array('customer_id' => 'id'))
			->where('subtotal > :threshold', array(':threshold' => $threshold))

Remember that `hasMany()` returns an [[ActiveRelation]] object which extends from [[ActiveQuery]]
and thus supports the same set of querying methods as [[ActiveQuery]].

With the above declaration, if you access `$customer->bigOrders`, it will only return the orders
whose subtotal is greater than 100. To specify a different threshold value, use the following code:

$orders = $customer->getBigOrders(200)->all();

Relations with Pivot Table

Sometimes, two tables are related together via an intermediary table called
[pivot table]( To declare such relations, we can customize
the [[ActiveRelation]] object by calling its [[ActiveRelation::via()]] or [[ActiveRelation::viaTable()]]

For example, if table `tbl_order` and table `tbl_item` are related via pivot table `tbl_order_item`,
we can declare the `items` relation in the `Order` class like the following:

class Order extends \yii\db\ActiveRecord
	public function getItems()
		return $this->hasMany('Item', array('id' => 'item_id'))
			->viaTable('tbl_order_item', array('order_id' => 'id'));

[[ActiveRelation::via()]] method is similar to [[ActiveRelation::viaTable()]] except that
the first parameter of [[ActiveRelation::via()]] takes a relation name declared in the ActiveRecord class
instead of the pivot table name. For example, the above `items` relation can be equivalently declared as follows:

class Order extends \yii\db\ActiveRecord
	public function getOrderItems()
		return $this->hasMany('OrderItem', array('order_id' => 'id'));

	public function getItems()
		return $this->hasMany('Item', array('id' => 'item_id'))

Lazy and Eager Loading

As described earlier, when you access the related objects the first time, ActiveRecord will perform a DB query
to retrieve the corresponding data and populate it into the related objects. No query will be performed
if you access the same related objects again. We call this *lazy loading*. For example,

// SQL executed: SELECT * FROM tbl_customer WHERE id=1
$customer = Customer::find(1);
// SQL executed: SELECT * FROM tbl_order WHERE customer_id=1
$orders = $customer->orders;
// no SQL executed
$orders2 = $customer->orders;

Lazy loading is very convenient to use. However, it may suffer from a performance issue in the following scenario:

// SQL executed: SELECT * FROM tbl_customer LIMIT 100
$customers = Customer::find()->limit(100)->all();

foreach ($customers as $customer) {
	// SQL executed: SELECT * FROM tbl_order WHERE customer_id=...
	$orders = $customer->orders;
	// ...handle $orders...

How many SQL queries will be performed in the above code, assuming there are more than 100 customers in
the database? 101! The first SQL query brings back 100 customers. Then for each customer, a SQL query
is performed to bring back the orders of that customer.

To solve the above performance problem, you can use the so-called *eager loading* approach by calling [[ActiveQuery::with()]]:

// SQL executed: SELECT * FROM tbl_customer LIMIT 100;
//               SELECT * FROM tbl_orders WHERE customer_id IN (1,2,...)
$customers = Customer::find()->limit(100)

foreach ($customers as $customer) {
	// no SQL executed
	$orders = $customer->orders;
	// ...handle $orders...

As you can see, only two SQL queries are needed for the same task.

Sometimes, you may want to customize the relational queries on the fly. This can be
done for both lazy loading and eager loading. For example,

$customer = Customer::find(1);
// lazy loading: SELECT * FROM tbl_order WHERE customer_id=1 AND subtotal>100
$orders = $customer->getOrders()->where('subtotal>100')->all();

// eager loading: SELECT * FROM tbl_customer LIMIT 10
                  SELECT * FROM tbl_order WHERE customer_id IN (1,2,...) AND subtotal>100
$customers = Customer::find()->limit(100)->with(array(
	'orders' => function($query) {

Working with Relationships

ActiveRecord provides the following two methods for establishing and breaking a
relationship between two ActiveRecord objects:

- [[ActiveRecord::link()|link()]]
- [[ActiveRecord::unlink()|unlink()]]

For example, given a customer and a new order, we can use the following code to make the
order owned by the customer:

$customer = Customer::find(1);
$order = new Order;
$order->subtotal = 100;
$customer->link('orders', $order);

The [[link()]] call above will set the `customer_id` of the order to be the primary key
value of `$customer` and then call [[save()]] to save the order into database.

Data Input and Validation

ActiveRecord inherits data validation and data input features from [[\yii\base\Model]]. Data validation is called
automatically when `save()` is performed. If data validation fails, the saving operation will be cancelled.

For more details refer to the [Model]( section of this guide.

Life Cycles of an ActiveRecord Object

An ActiveRecord object undergoes different life cycles when it is used in different cases.
Subclasses or ActiveRecord behaviors may "inject" custom code in these life cycles through
method overriding and event handling mechanisms.

When instantiating a new ActiveRecord instance, we will have the following life cycles:

1. constructor
2. [[init()]]: will trigger an [[EVENT_INIT]] event

When getting an ActiveRecord instance through the [[find()]] method, we will have the following life cycles:

1. constructor
2. [[init()]]: will trigger an [[EVENT_INIT]] event
3. [[afterFind()]]: will trigger an [[EVENT_AFTER_FIND]] event

When calling [[save()]] to insert or update an ActiveRecord, we will have the following life cycles:

1. [[beforeValidate()]]: will trigger an [[EVENT_BEFORE_VALIDATE]] event
2. [[afterValidate()]]: will trigger an [[EVENT_AFTER_VALIDATE]] event
3. [[beforeSave()]]: will trigger an [[EVENT_BEFORE_INSERT]] or [[EVENT_BEFORE_UPDATE]] event
4. perform the actual data insertion or updating
5. [[afterSave()]]: will trigger an [[EVENT_AFTER_INSERT]] or [[EVENT_AFTER_UPDATE]] event

Finally when calling [[delete()]] to delete an ActiveRecord, we will have the following life cycles:

1. [[beforeDelete()]]: will trigger an [[EVENT_BEFORE_DELETE]] event
2. perform the actual data deletion
3. [[afterDelete()]]: will trigger an [[EVENT_AFTER_DELETE]] event


A scope is a method that customizes a given [[ActiveQuery]] object. Scope methods are static and are defined
in the ActiveRecord classes. They can be invoked through the [[ActiveQuery]] object that is created
via [[find()]] or [[findBySql()]]. The following is an example:

class Customer extends \yii\db\ActiveRecord
	// ...

	 * @param ActiveQuery $query
	public static function active($query)
		$query->andWhere('status = 1');

$customers = Customer::find()->active()->all();

In the above, the `active()` method is defined in `Customer` while we are calling it
through `ActiveQuery` returned by `Customer::find()`.

Scopes can be parameterized. For example, we can define and use the following `olderThan` scope:

class Customer extends \yii\db\ActiveRecord
	// ...

	 * @param ActiveQuery $query
	 * @param integer $age
	public static function olderThan($query, $age = 30)
		$query->andWhere('age > :age', array(':age' => $age));

$customers = Customer::find()->olderThan(50)->all();

The parameters should follow after the `$query` parameter when defining the scope method, and they
can take default values like shown above.

Transactional operations

When a few DB operations are related and are executed


[[afterSave()]], [[beforeDelete()]] and/or [[afterDelete()]] life cycle methods. Developer may come
to the solution of overriding ActiveRecord [[save()]] method with database transaction wrapping or
even using transaction in controller action, which is strictly speaking doesn't seems to be a good
practice (recall skinny-controller fat-model fundamental rule).

Here these ways are (**DO NOT** use them unless you're sure what are you actually doing). Models:

class Feature extends \yii\db\ActiveRecord
	// ...

	public function getProduct()
		return $this->hasOne('Product', array('product_id' => 'id'));

class Product extends \yii\db\ActiveRecord
	// ...

	public function getFeatures()
		return $this->hasMany('Feature', array('id' => 'product_id'));

Overriding [[save()]] method:


class ProductController extends \yii\web\Controller
	public function actionCreate()

Using transactions within controller layer:

class ProductController extends \yii\web\Controller
	public function actionCreate()

Instead of using these fragile methods you should consider using atomic scenarios and operations feature.

class Feature extends \yii\db\ActiveRecord
	// ...

	public function getProduct()
		return $this->hasOne('Product', array('product_id' => 'id'));

	public function scenarios()
		return array(
			'userCreates' => array(
				'attributes' => array('name', 'value'),
				'atomic' => array(self::OP_INSERT),

class Product extends \yii\db\ActiveRecord
	// ...

	public function getFeatures()
		return $this->hasMany('Feature', array('id' => 'product_id'));

	public function scenarios()
		return array(
			'userCreates' => array(
				'attributes' => array('title', 'price'),
				'atomic' => array(self::OP_INSERT),

	public function afterValidate()

	public function afterSave($insert)
		if ($this->getScenario() === 'userCreates') {

Controller is very thin and neat:

class ProductController extends \yii\web\Controller
	public function actionCreate()

Optimistic Locks


Dirty Attributes


See also

- [Model](
- [[\yii\db\ActiveRecord]]