Commit dccb10d1 by Qiang Xue

model generator WIP

parent a65be3b1
......@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ yii.gii = (function ($) {
var initStickyInputs = function () {
$('.sticky:not(.error) input,select,textarea').each(function () {
$('.sticky:not(.error) input[type="text"],select,textarea').each(function () {
var value;
if (this.tagName === 'SELECT') {
value = this.options[this.selectedIndex].text;
......@@ -7,6 +7,8 @@
namespace yii\gii\generators\model;
use Yii;
* @author Qiang Xue <>
......@@ -14,6 +16,19 @@ namespace yii\gii\generators\model;
class Generator extends \yii\gii\Generator
public $db = 'db';
public $tableName;
public $modelClass;
public $baseClass = '\yii\db\ActiveRecord';
public $buildRelations = true;
public $commentsAsLabels = false;
* @var array list of candidate relation code. The array are indexed by AR class names and relation names.
* Each element represents the code of the one relation in one AR class.
protected $relations;
public function getName()
return 'Model Generator';
......@@ -24,11 +39,431 @@ class Generator extends \yii\gii\Generator
return 'This generator generates a model class for the specified database table.';
public function rules()
return array_merge(parent::rules(), array(
array('tablePrefix, baseClass, tableName, modelClass, modelPath, connectionId', 'filter', 'filter' => 'trim'),
array('connectionId, tableName, modelPath, baseClass', 'required'),
array('tablePrefix, tableName, modelPath', 'match', 'pattern' => '/^(\w+[\w\.]*|\*?|\w+\.\*)$/', 'message' => '{attribute} should only contain word characters, dots, and an optional ending asterisk.'),
array('connectionId', 'validateConnectionId'),
array('tableName', 'validateTableName'),
array('tablePrefix, modelClass', 'match', 'pattern' => '/^[a-zA-Z_]\w*$/', 'message' => '{attribute} should only contain word characters.'),
array('baseClass', 'match', 'pattern' => '/^[a-zA-Z_][\w\\\\]*$/', 'message' => '{attribute} should only contain word characters and backslashes.'),
array('modelPath', 'validateModelPath'),
array('baseClass, modelClass', 'validateReservedWord'),
array('baseClass', 'validateBaseClass'),
public function attributeLabels()
return array_merge(parent::attributeLabels(), array(
'tablePrefix' => 'Table Prefix',
'tableName' => 'Table Name',
'modelPath' => 'Model Path',
'modelClass' => 'Model Class',
'baseClass' => 'Base Class',
'buildRelations' => 'Build Relations',
'commentsAsLabels' => 'Use Column Comments as Attribute Labels',
'connectionId' => 'Database Connection',
public function requiredTemplates()
return array(
public function stickyAttributes()
return array('connectionId', 'tablePrefix', 'modelPath', 'baseClass', 'buildRelations', 'commentsAsLabels');
public function generate()
if (Yii::$app->{$this->connectionId} === null) {
throw new CHttpException(500, 'A valid database connection is required to run this generator.');
$this->tablePrefix = Yii::$app->{$this->connectionId}->tablePrefix;
if (($pos = strrpos($this->tableName, '.')) !== false) {
$schema = substr($this->tableName, 0, $pos);
$tableName = substr($this->tableName, $pos + 1);
} else {
$schema = '';
$tableName = $this->tableName;
if ($tableName[strlen($tableName) - 1] === '*') {
$tables = Yii::$app->{$this->connectionId}->schema->getTables($schema);
if ($this->tablePrefix != '') {
foreach ($tables as $i => $table) {
if (strpos($table->name, $this->tablePrefix) !== 0) {
} else {
$tables = array($this->getTableSchema($this->tableName));
$this->files = array();
$templatePath = $this->templatePath;
$this->relations = $this->generateRelations();
foreach ($tables as $table) {
$tableName = $this->removePrefix($table->name);
$className = $this->generateClassName($table->name);
$params = array(
'tableName' => $schema === '' ? $tableName : $schema . '.' . $tableName,
'modelClass' => $className,
'columns' => $table->columns,
'labels' => $this->generateLabels($table),
'rules' => $this->generateRules($table),
'relations' => isset($this->relations[$className]) ? $this->relations[$className] : array(),
'connectionId' => $this->connectionId,
$this->files[] = new CCodeFile(
Yii::getPathOfAlias($this->modelPath) . '/' . $className . '.php',
$this->render($templatePath . '/model.php', $params)
public function validateTableName($attribute, $params)
if ($this->hasErrors()) {
$invalidTables = array();
$invalidColumns = array();
if ($this->tableName[strlen($this->tableName) - 1] === '*') {
if (($pos = strrpos($this->tableName, '.')) !== false) {
$schema = substr($this->tableName, 0, $pos);
} else {
$schema = '';
$this->modelClass = '';
$tables = Yii::$app->{$this->connectionId}->schema->getTables($schema);
foreach ($tables as $table) {
if ($this->tablePrefix == '' || strpos($table->name, $this->tablePrefix) === 0) {
if (in_array(strtolower($table->name), self::$keywords)) {
$invalidTables[] = $table->name;
if (($invalidColumn = $this->checkColumns($table)) !== null) {
$invalidColumns[] = $invalidColumn;
} else {
if (($table = $this->getTableSchema($this->tableName)) === null) {
$this->addError('tableName', "Table '{$this->tableName}' does not exist.");
if ($this->modelClass === '') {
$this->addError('modelClass', 'Model Class cannot be blank.');
if (!$this->hasErrors($attribute) && ($invalidColumn = $this->checkColumns($table)) !== null) {
$invalidColumns[] = $invalidColumn;
if ($invalidTables != array()) {
$this->addError('tableName', 'Model class cannot take a reserved PHP keyword! Table name: ' . implode(', ', $invalidTables) . ".");
if ($invalidColumns != array()) {
$this->addError('tableName', 'Column names that does not follow PHP variable naming convention: ' . implode(', ', $invalidColumns) . ".");
* Check that all database field names conform to PHP variable naming rules
* For example mysql allows field name like "2011aa", but PHP does not allow variable like "$model->2011aa"
* @param CDbTableSchema $table the table schema object
* @return string the invalid table column name. Null if no error.
public function checkColumns($table)
foreach ($table->columns as $column) {
if (!preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff][a-zA-Z0-9_\x7f-\xff]*$/', $column->name)) {
return $table->name . '.' . $column->name;
public function validateModelPath($attribute, $params)
if (Yii::getPathOfAlias($this->modelPath) === false) {
$this->addError('modelPath', 'Model Path must be a valid path alias.');
public function validateBaseClass($attribute, $params)
$class = @Yii::import($this->baseClass, true);
if (!is_string($class) || !$this->classExists($class)) {
$this->addError('baseClass', "Class '{$this->baseClass}' does not exist or has syntax error.");
} elseif ($class !== 'CActiveRecord' && !is_subclass_of($class, 'CActiveRecord')) {
$this->addError('baseClass', "'{$this->model}' must extend from CActiveRecord.");
public function getTableSchema($tableName)
$connection = Yii::$app->{$this->connectionId};
return $connection->getSchema()->getTable($tableName, $connection->schemaCachingDuration !== 0);
public function generateLabels($table)
$labels = array();
foreach ($table->columns as $column) {
if ($this->commentsAsLabels && $column->comment) {
$labels[$column->name] = $column->comment;
} else {
$label = ucwords(trim(strtolower(str_replace(array('-', '_'), ' ', preg_replace('/(?<![A-Z])[A-Z]/', ' \0', $column->name)))));
$label = preg_replace('/\s+/', ' ', $label);
if (strcasecmp(substr($label, -3), ' id') === 0) {
$label = substr($label, 0, -3);
if ($label === 'Id') {
$label = 'ID';
$label = str_replace("'", "\\'", $label);
$labels[$column->name] = $label;
return $labels;
public function generateRules($table)
$rules = array();
$required = array();
$integers = array();
$numerical = array();
$length = array();
$safe = array();
foreach ($table->columns as $column) {
if ($column->autoIncrement) {
$r = !$column->allowNull && $column->defaultValue === null;
if ($r) {
$required[] = $column->name;
if ($column->type === 'integer') {
$integers[] = $column->name;
} elseif ($column->type === 'double') {
$numerical[] = $column->name;
} elseif ($column->type === 'string' && $column->size > 0) {
$length[$column->size][] = $column->name;
} elseif (!$column->isPrimaryKey && !$r) {
$safe[] = $column->name;
if ($required !== array()) {
$rules[] = "array('" . implode(', ', $required) . "', 'required')";
if ($integers !== array()) {
$rules[] = "array('" . implode(', ', $integers) . "', 'numerical', 'integerOnly'=>true)";
if ($numerical !== array()) {
$rules[] = "array('" . implode(', ', $numerical) . "', 'numerical')";
if ($length !== array()) {
foreach ($length as $len => $cols) {
$rules[] = "array('" . implode(', ', $cols) . "', 'length', 'max'=>$len)";
if ($safe !== array()) {
$rules[] = "array('" . implode(', ', $safe) . "', 'safe')";
return $rules;
public function getRelations($className)
return isset($this->relations[$className]) ? $this->relations[$className] : array();
protected function removePrefix($tableName, $addBrackets = true)
if ($addBrackets && Yii::$app->{$this->connectionId}->tablePrefix == '') {
return $tableName;
$prefix = $this->tablePrefix != '' ? $this->tablePrefix : Yii::$app->{$this->connectionId}->tablePrefix;
if ($prefix != '') {
if ($addBrackets && Yii::$app->{$this->connectionId}->tablePrefix != '') {
$prefix = Yii::$app->{$this->connectionId}->tablePrefix;
$lb = '{{';
$rb = '}}';
} else {
$lb = $rb = '';
if (($pos = strrpos($tableName, '.')) !== false) {
$schema = substr($tableName, 0, $pos);
$name = substr($tableName, $pos + 1);
if (strpos($name, $prefix) === 0) {
return $schema . '.' . $lb . substr($name, strlen($prefix)) . $rb;
} elseif (strpos($tableName, $prefix) === 0) {
return $lb . substr($tableName, strlen($prefix)) . $rb;
return $tableName;
protected function generateRelations()
if (!$this->buildRelations) {
return array();
$schemaName = '';
if (($pos = strpos($this->tableName, '.')) !== false) {
$schemaName = substr($this->tableName, 0, $pos);
$relations = array();
foreach (Yii::$app->{$this->connectionId}->schema->getTables($schemaName) as $table) {
if ($this->tablePrefix != '' && strpos($table->name, $this->tablePrefix) !== 0) {
$tableName = $table->name;
if ($this->isRelationTable($table)) {
$pks = $table->primaryKey;
$fks = $table->foreignKeys;
$table0 = $fks[$pks[0]][0];
$table1 = $fks[$pks[1]][0];
$className0 = $this->generateClassName($table0);
$className1 = $this->generateClassName($table1);
$unprefixedTableName = $this->removePrefix($tableName);
$relationName = $this->generateRelationName($table0, $table1, true);
$relations[$className0][$relationName] = "array(self::MANY_MANY, '$className1', '$unprefixedTableName($pks[0], $pks[1])')";
$relationName = $this->generateRelationName($table1, $table0, true);
$i = 1;
$rawName = $relationName;
while (isset($relations[$className1][$relationName])) {
$relationName = $rawName . $i++;
$relations[$className1][$relationName] = "array(self::MANY_MANY, '$className0', '$unprefixedTableName($pks[1], $pks[0])')";
} else {
$className = $this->generateClassName($tableName);
foreach ($table->foreignKeys as $fkName => $fkEntry) {
// Put table and key name in variables for easier reading
$refTable = $fkEntry[0]; // Table name that current fk references to
$refKey = $fkEntry[1]; // Key in that table being referenced
$refClassName = $this->generateClassName($refTable);
// Add relation for this table
$relationName = $this->generateRelationName($tableName, $fkName, false);
$relations[$className][$relationName] = "array(self::BELONGS_TO, '$refClassName', '$fkName')";
// Add relation for the referenced table
$relationType = $table->primaryKey === $fkName ? 'HAS_ONE' : 'HAS_MANY';
$relationName = $this->generateRelationName($refTable, $this->removePrefix($tableName, false), $relationType === 'HAS_MANY');
$i = 1;
$rawName = $relationName;
while (isset($relations[$refClassName][$relationName])) {
$relationName = $rawName . ($i++);
$relations[$refClassName][$relationName] = "array(self::$relationType, '$className', '$fkName')";
return $relations;
* @inheritdoc
* Checks if the given table is a "many to many" pivot table.
* Their PK has 2 fields, and both of those fields are also FK to other separate tables.
* @param CDbTableSchema table to inspect
* @return boolean true if table matches description of helpter table.
public function generate()
protected function isRelationTable($table)
$pk = $table->primaryKey;
return (count($pk) === 2 // we want 2 columns
&& isset($table->foreignKeys[$pk[0]]) // pk column 1 is also a foreign key
&& isset($table->foreignKeys[$pk[1]]) // pk column 2 is also a foriegn key
&& $table->foreignKeys[$pk[0]][0] !== $table->foreignKeys[$pk[1]][0]); // and the foreign keys point different tables
protected function generateClassName($tableName)
if ($this->tableName === $tableName || ($pos = strrpos($this->tableName, '.')) !== false && substr($this->tableName, $pos + 1) === $tableName) {
return $this->modelClass;
$tableName = $this->removePrefix($tableName, false);
if (($pos = strpos($tableName, '.')) !== false) // remove schema part (e.g. remove 'public2.' from '')
$tableName = substr($tableName, $pos + 1);
$className = '';
foreach (explode('_', $tableName) as $name) {
if ($name !== '') {
$className .= ucfirst($name);
return $className;
* Generate a name for use as a relation name (inside relations() function in a model).
* @param string the name of the table to hold the relation
* @param string the foreign key name
* @param boolean whether the relation would contain multiple objects
* @return string the relation name
protected function generateRelationName($tableName, $fkName, $multiple)
if (strcasecmp(substr($fkName, -2), 'id') === 0 && strcasecmp($fkName, 'id')) {
$relationName = rtrim(substr($fkName, 0, -2), '_');
} else {
$relationName = $fkName;
$relationName[0] = strtolower($relationName);
if ($multiple) {
$relationName = $this->pluralize($relationName);
$names = preg_split('/_+/', $relationName, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
if (empty($names)) {
return $relationName;
} // unlikely
for ($name = $names[0], $i = 1; $i < count($names); ++$i) {
$name .= ucfirst($names[$i]);
$rawName = $name;
$table = Yii::$app->{$this->connectionId}->schema->getTable($tableName);
$i = 0;
while (isset($table->columns[$name])) {
$name = $rawName . ($i++);
return $name;
public function validateConnectionId($attribute, $params)
return array();
if (Yii::$app->hasComponent($this->connectionId) === false || !(Yii::$app->getComponent($this->connectionId) instanceof CDbConnection)) {
$this->addError('connectionId', 'A valid database connection is required to run this generator.');
* This is the template for generating the model class of a specified table.
* - $this: the ModelCode object
* - $tableName: the table name for this class (prefix is already removed if necessary)
* - $modelClass: the model class name
* - $columns: list of table columns (name=>CDbColumnSchema)
* - $labels: list of attribute labels (name=>label)
* - $rules: list of validation rules
* - $relations: list of relations (name=>relation declaration)
<?php echo "<?php\n"; ?>
* This is the model class for table "<?php echo $tableName; ?>".
* The followings are the available columns in table '<?php echo $tableName; ?>':
<?php foreach($columns as $column): ?>
* @property <?php echo $column->type.' $'.$column->name."\n"; ?>
<?php endforeach; ?>
<?php if(!empty($relations)): ?>
* The followings are the available model relations:
<?php foreach($relations as $name=>$relation): ?>
* @property <?php
if (preg_match("~^array\(self::([^,]+), '([^']+)', '([^']+)'\)$~", $relation, $matches))
$relationType = $matches[1];
$relationModel = $matches[2];
case 'HAS_ONE':
echo $relationModel.' $'.$name."\n";
case 'BELONGS_TO':
echo $relationModel.' $'.$name."\n";
case 'HAS_MANY':
echo $relationModel.'[] $'.$name."\n";
case 'MANY_MANY':
echo $relationModel.'[] $'.$name."\n";
echo 'mixed $'.$name."\n";
<?php endforeach; ?>
<?php endif; ?>
class <?php echo $modelClass; ?> extends <?php echo $this->baseClass."\n"; ?>
* @return string the associated database table name
public function tableName()
return '<?php echo $tableName; ?>';
* @return array validation rules for model attributes.
public function rules()
// NOTE: you should only define rules for those attributes that
// will receive user inputs.
return array(
<?php foreach($rules as $rule): ?>
<?php echo $rule.",\n"; ?>
<?php endforeach; ?>
// The following rule is used by search().
// @todo Please remove those attributes that should not be searched.
array('<?php echo implode(', ', array_keys($columns)); ?>', 'safe', 'on'=>'search'),
* @return array relational rules.
public function relations()
// NOTE: you may need to adjust the relation name and the related
// class name for the relations automatically generated below.
return array(
<?php foreach($relations as $name=>$relation): ?>
<?php echo "'$name' => $relation,\n"; ?>
<?php endforeach; ?>
* @return array customized attribute labels (name=>label)
public function attributeLabels()
return array(
<?php foreach($labels as $name=>$label): ?>
<?php echo "'$name' => '$label',\n"; ?>
<?php endforeach; ?>
* Retrieves a list of models based on the current search/filter conditions.
* Typical usecase:
* - Initialize the model fields with values from filter form.
* - Execute this method to get CActiveDataProvider instance which will filter
* models according to data in model fields.
* - Pass data provider to CGridView, CListView or any similar widget.
* @return CActiveDataProvider the data provider that can return the models
* based on the search/filter conditions.
public function search()
// @todo Please modify the following code to remove attributes that should not be searched.
$criteria=new CDbCriteria;
foreach($columns as $name=>$column)
echo "\t\t\$criteria->compare('$name',\$this->$name,true);\n";
echo "\t\t\$criteria->compare('$name',\$this->$name);\n";
return new CActiveDataProvider($this, array(
<?php if($connectionId!='db'):?>
* @return CDbConnection the database connection used for this class
public function getDbConnection()
return Yii::app()-><?php echo $connectionId ?>;
<?php endif?>
* Returns the static model of the specified AR class.
* Please note that you should have this exact method in all your CActiveRecord descendants!
* @param string $className active record class name.
* @return <?php echo $modelClass; ?> the static model class
public static function model($className=__CLASS__)
return parent::model($className);
* @var yii\base\View $this
* @var yii\widgets\ActiveForm $form
* @var yii\gii\generators\form\Generator $generator
echo $form->field($generator, 'tableName');
echo $form->field($generator, 'modelClass');
echo $form->field($generator, 'baseClass');
echo $form->field($generator, 'buildRelations')->checkbox();
echo $form->field($generator, 'commentsAsLabels')->checkbox();
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