Commit 43777054 by Qiang Xue


parent 712a7758
......@@ -30,11 +30,10 @@ defined('YII_ENABLE_EXCEPTION_HANDLER') or define('YII_ENABLE_EXCEPTION_HANDLER'
* Defines the Yii framework installation path.
* This constant defines the framework installation directory.
defined('YII_PATH') or define('YII_PATH', __DIR__);
* YiiBase is the core helper class for the Yii framework.
......@@ -66,7 +65,7 @@ class YiiBase
* @var array registered path aliases
public static $aliases = array(
'@yii' => YII_PATH,
'@yii' => __DIR__,
private static $_imported = array(); // alias => class name or directory
......@@ -81,15 +80,6 @@ class YiiBase
* Returns the installation directory of the Yii framework.
* @return string the path of the framework
public static function getFrameworkPath()
return YII_PATH;
* Imports a class or a directory.
* Importing a class is like including the corresponding class file.
......@@ -370,86 +360,83 @@ class YiiBase
* Writes a trace message.
* This method will only log a message when the application is in debug mode.
* @param string $msg message to be logged
* @param string $category category of the message
* @see log
* Logs a trace message.
* Trace messages are logged mainly for development purpose to see
* the execution work flow of some code.
* @param string $message the message to be logged.
* @param string $category the category of the message.
public static function trace($msg, $category = 'application')
public static function trace($message, $category = 'application')
if (YII_DEBUG) {
static::log($msg, CLogger::LEVEL_TRACE, $category);
self::getLogger()->trace($message, $category);
* Logs a message.
* Messages logged by this method may be retrieved via {@link CLogger::getLogs}
* and may be recorded in different media, such as file, email, database, using
* {@link CLogRouter}.
* @param string $msg message to be logged
* @param string $level level of the message (e.g. 'trace', 'warning', 'error'). It is case-insensitive.
* @param string $category category of the message (e.g. 'system.web'). It is case-insensitive.
* Logs an error message.
* An error message is typically logged when an unrecoverable error occurs
* during the execution of an application.
* @param string $message the message to be logged.
* @param string $category the category of the message.
public static function log($msg, $level = CLogger::LEVEL_INFO, $category = 'application')
public function error($message, $category = 'application')
if (self::$_logger === null) {
self::$_logger = new CLogger;
self::getLogger()->error($message, $category);
if (YII_DEBUG && YII_TRACE_LEVEL > 0 && $level !== CLogger::LEVEL_PROFILE)
$traces = debug_backtrace();
$count = 0;
foreach ($traces as $trace)
if (isset($trace['file'], $trace['line']) && strpos($trace['file'], YII_PATH) !== 0)
* Logs a warning message.
* A warning message is typically logged when an error occurs while the execution
* can still continue.
* @param string $message the message to be logged.
* @param string $category the category of the message.
public function warn($message, $category = 'application')
$msg .= "\nin " . $trace['file'] . ' (' . $trace['line'] . ')';
if (++$count >= YII_TRACE_LEVEL)
self::getLogger()->warn($message, $category);
self::$_logger->log($msg, $level, $category);
* Logs an informative message.
* An informative message is typically logged by an application to keep record of
* something important (e.g. an administrator logs in).
* @param string $message the message to be logged.
* @param string $category the category of the message.
public function info($message, $category = 'application')
self::getLogger()->info($message, $category);
* Marks the begin of a code block for profiling.
* This has to be matched with a call to {@link endProfile()} with the same token.
* The begin- and end- calls must also be properly nested, e.g.,
* <pre>
* Yii::beginProfile('block1');
* Yii::beginProfile('block2');
* Yii::endProfile('block2');
* Yii::endProfile('block1');
* </pre>
* The following sequence is not valid:
* <pre>
* Yii::beginProfile('block1');
* Yii::beginProfile('block2');
* Yii::endProfile('block1');
* Yii::endProfile('block2');
* </pre>
* @param string $token token for the code block
* @param string $category the category of this log message
* Marks the beginning of a code block for profiling.
* This has to be matched with a call to [[endProfile]] with the same category name.
* The begin- and end- calls must also be properly nested. For example,
* ~~~
* \Yii::beginProfile('block1');
* \Yii::beginProfile('block2');
* \Yii::endProfile('block2');
* \Yii::endProfile('block1');
* ~~~
* @param string $category the category of this profile block
* @see endProfile
public static function beginProfile($token, $category = 'application')
public static function beginProfile($category)
static::log('begin:' . $token, CLogger::LEVEL_PROFILE, $category);
* Marks the end of a code block for profiling.
* This has to be matched with a previous call to {@link beginProfile()} with the same token.
* @param string $token token for the code block
* @param string $category the category of this log message
* This has to be matched with a previous call to [[beginProfile]] with the same category name.
* @param string $category the category of this profile block
* @see beginProfile
public static function endProfile($token, $category = 'application')
public static function endProfile($category)
static::log('end:' . $token, CLogger::LEVEL_PROFILE, $category);
* CDbLogRoute class file.
* @author Qiang Xue <>
* @link
* @copyright Copyright &copy; 2008-2011 Yii Software LLC
* @license
* CDbLogRoute stores log messages in a database table.
* To specify the database table for storing log messages, set {@link logTableName} as
* the name of the table and specify {@link connectionID} to be the ID of a {@link CDbConnection}
* application component. If they are not set, a SQLite3 database named 'log-YiiVersion.db' will be created
* and used under the application runtime directory.
* @author Qiang Xue <>
* @version $Id: CDbLogRoute.php 3069 2011-03-14 00:28:38Z qiang.xue $
* @package system.logging
* @since 1.0
class CDbLogRoute extends CLogRoute
* @var string the ID of CDbConnection application component. If not set, a SQLite database
* will be automatically created and used. The SQLite database file is
* <code>protected/runtime/log-YiiVersion.db</code>.
public $connectionID;
* @var string the name of the DB table that stores log content. Defaults to 'YiiLog'.
* If {@link autoCreateLogTable} is false and you want to create the DB table manually by yourself,
* you need to make sure the DB table is of the following structure:
* <pre>
* (
* level VARCHAR(128),
* category VARCHAR(128),
* logtime INTEGER,
* message TEXT
* )
* </pre>
* Note, the 'id' column must be created as an auto-incremental column.
* In MySQL, this means it should be <code>id INTEGER NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY</code>;
* In PostgreSQL, it is <code>id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY</code>.
* @see autoCreateLogTable
public $logTableName = 'YiiLog';
* @var boolean whether the log DB table should be automatically created if not exists. Defaults to true.
* @see logTableName
public $autoCreateLogTable = true;
* @var CDbConnection the DB connection instance
private $_db;
* Initializes the route.
* This method is invoked after the route is created by the route manager.
public function init()
if ($this->autoCreateLogTable)
$db = $this->getDbConnection();
$sql = "DELETE FROM {$this->logTableName} WHERE 0=1";
catch(Exception $e)
$this->createLogTable($db, $this->logTableName);
* Creates the DB table for storing log messages.
* @param CDbConnection $db the database connection
* @param string $tableName the name of the table to be created
protected function createLogTable($db, $tableName)
$driver = $db->getDriverName();
if ($driver === 'mysql')
elseif ($driver === 'pgsql')
$sql = "
level VARCHAR(128),
category VARCHAR(128),
logtime INTEGER,
message TEXT
* @return CDbConnection the DB connection instance
* @throws CException if {@link connectionID} does not point to a valid application component.
protected function getDbConnection()
if ($this->_db !== null)
return $this->_db;
elseif (($id = $this->connectionID) !== null)
if (($this->_db = Yii::app()->getComponent($id)) instanceof CDbConnection)
return $this->_db;
throw new CException(Yii::t('yii', 'CDbLogRoute.connectionID "{id}" does not point to a valid CDbConnection application component.',
array('{id}' => $id)));
$dbFile = Yii::app()->getRuntimePath() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'log-' . Yii::getVersion() . '.db';
return $this->_db = new CDbConnection('sqlite:' . $dbFile);
* Stores log messages into database.
* @param array $logs list of log messages
protected function processLogs($logs)
$sql = "
INSERT INTO {$this->logTableName}
(level, category, logtime, message) VALUES
(:level, :category, :logtime, :message)
$command = $this->getDbConnection()->createCommand($sql);
foreach ($logs as $log)
$command->bindValue(':level', $log[1]);
$command->bindValue(':category', $log[2]);
$command->bindValue(':logtime', (int)$log[3]);
$command->bindValue(':message', $log[0]);
* CEmailLogRoute class file.
* @author Qiang Xue <>
* @link
* @copyright Copyright &copy; 2008-2011 Yii Software LLC
* @license
* CEmailLogRoute sends selected log messages to email addresses.
* The target email addresses may be specified via {@link setEmails emails} property.
* Optionally, you may set the email {@link setSubject subject}, the
* {@link setSentFrom sentFrom} address and any additional {@link setHeaders headers}.
* @author Qiang Xue <>
* @version $Id: CEmailLogRoute.php 3001 2011-02-24 16:42:44Z alexander.makarow $
* @package system.logging
* @since 1.0
class CEmailLogRoute extends CLogRoute
* @var array list of destination email addresses.
private $_email = array();
* @var string email subject
private $_subject;
* @var string email sent from address
private $_from;
* @var array list of additional headers to use when sending an email.
private $_headers = array();
* Sends log messages to specified email addresses.
* @param array $logs list of log messages
protected function processLogs($logs)
$message = '';
foreach ($logs as $log)
$message .= $this->formatLogMessage($log[0], $log[1], $log[2], $log[3]);
$message = wordwrap($message, 70);
$subject = $this->getSubject();
if ($subject === null)
$subject = Yii::t('yii', 'Application Log');
foreach ($this->getEmails() as $email)
$this->sendEmail($email, $subject, $message);
* Sends an email.
* @param string $email single email address
* @param string $subject email subject
* @param string $message email content
protected function sendEmail($email, $subject, $message)
$headers = $this->getHeaders();
if (($from = $this->getSentFrom()) !== null)
$headers[] = "From: {$from}";
mail($email, $subject, $message, implode("\r\n", $headers));
* @return array list of destination email addresses
public function getEmails()
return $this->_email;
* @param mixed $value list of destination email addresses. If the value is
* a string, it is assumed to be comma-separated email addresses.
public function setEmails($value)
if (is_array($value))
$this->_email = $value;
$this->_email = preg_split('/[\s,]+/', $value, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
* @return string email subject. Defaults to CEmailLogRoute::DEFAULT_SUBJECT
public function getSubject()
return $this->_subject;
* @param string $value email subject.
public function setSubject($value)
$this->_subject = $value;
* @return string send from address of the email
public function getSentFrom()
return $this->_from;
* @param string $value send from address of the email
public function setSentFrom($value)
$this->_from = $value;
* @return array additional headers to use when sending an email.
* @since 1.1.4
public function getHeaders()
return $this->_headers;
* @param mixed $value list of additional headers to use when sending an email.
* If the value is a string, it is assumed to be line break separated headers.
* @since 1.1.4
public function setHeaders($value)
if (is_array($value))
$this->_headers = $value;
$this->_headers = preg_split('/\r\n|\n/', $value, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
\ No newline at end of file
* CFileLogRoute class file.
* @author Qiang Xue <>
* @link
* @copyright Copyright &copy; 2008-2011 Yii Software LLC
* @license
* CFileLogRoute records log messages in files.
* The log files are stored under {@link setLogPath logPath} and the file name
* is specified by {@link setLogFile logFile}. If the size of the log file is
* greater than {@link setMaxFileSize maxFileSize} (in kilo-bytes), a rotation
* is performed, which renames the current log file by suffixing the file name
* with '.1'. All existing log files are moved backwards one place, i.e., '.2'
* to '.3', '.1' to '.2'. The property {@link setMaxLogFiles maxLogFiles}
* specifies how many files to be kept.
* @author Qiang Xue <>
* @version $Id: CFileLogRoute.php 3001 2011-02-24 16:42:44Z alexander.makarow $
* @package system.logging
* @since 1.0
class CFileLogRoute extends CLogRoute
* @var integer maximum log file size
private $_maxFileSize = 1024; // in KB
* @var integer number of log files used for rotation
private $_maxLogFiles = 5;
* @var string directory storing log files
private $_logPath;
* @var string log file name
private $_logFile = 'application.log';
* Initializes the route.
* This method is invoked after the route is created by the route manager.
public function init()
if ($this->getLogPath() === null)
* @return string directory storing log files. Defaults to application runtime path.
public function getLogPath()
return $this->_logPath;
* @param string $value directory for storing log files.
* @throws CException if the path is invalid
public function setLogPath($value)
$this->_logPath = realpath($value);
if ($this->_logPath === false || !is_dir($this->_logPath) || !is_writable($this->_logPath))
throw new CException(Yii::t('yii', 'CFileLogRoute.logPath "{path}" does not point to a valid directory. Make sure the directory exists and is writable by the Web server process.',
array('{path}' => $value)));
* @return string log file name. Defaults to 'application.log'.
public function getLogFile()
return $this->_logFile;
* @param string $value log file name
public function setLogFile($value)
$this->_logFile = $value;
* @return integer maximum log file size in kilo-bytes (KB). Defaults to 1024 (1MB).
public function getMaxFileSize()
return $this->_maxFileSize;
* @param integer $value maximum log file size in kilo-bytes (KB).
public function setMaxFileSize($value)
if (($this->_maxFileSize = (int)$value) < 1)
$this->_maxFileSize = 1;
* @return integer number of files used for rotation. Defaults to 5.
public function getMaxLogFiles()
return $this->_maxLogFiles;
* @param integer $value number of files used for rotation.
public function setMaxLogFiles($value)
if (($this->_maxLogFiles = (int)$value) < 1)
$this->_maxLogFiles = 1;
* Saves log messages in files.
* @param array $logs list of log messages
protected function processLogs($logs)
$logFile = $this->getLogPath() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $this->getLogFile();
if (@filesize($logFile) > $this->getMaxFileSize() * 1024)
$fp = @fopen($logFile, 'a');
@flock($fp, LOCK_EX);
foreach ($logs as $log)
@fwrite($fp, $this->formatLogMessage($log[0], $log[1], $log[2], $log[3]));
@flock($fp, LOCK_UN);
* Rotates log files.
protected function rotateFiles()
$file = $this->getLogPath() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $this->getLogFile();
$max = $this->getMaxLogFiles();
for ($i = $max;$i > 0;--$i)
$rotateFile = $file . '.' . $i;
if (is_file($rotateFile))
// suppress errors because it's possible multiple processes enter into this section
if ($i === $max)
@rename($rotateFile, $file . '.' . ($i + 1));
if (is_file($file))
@rename($file, $file . '.1'); // suppress errors because it's possible multiple processes enter into this section
* CLogFilter class file
* @author Qiang Xue <>
* @link
* @copyright Copyright &copy; 2008-2011 Yii Software LLC
* @license
* CLogFilter preprocesses the logged messages before they are handled by a log route.
* CLogFilter is meant to be used by a log route to preprocess the logged messages
* before they are handled by the route. The default implementation of CLogFilter
* prepends additional context information to the logged messages. In particular,
* by setting {@link logVars}, predefined PHP variables such as
* $_SERVER, $_POST, etc. can be saved as a log message, which may help identify/debug
* issues encountered.
* @author Qiang Xue <>
* @version $Id: CLogFilter.php 3204 2011-05-05 21:36:32Z alexander.makarow $
* @package system.logging
* @since 1.0.6
class CLogFilter extends CComponent
* @var boolean whether to prefix each log message with the current user session ID.
* Defaults to false.
public $prefixSession = false;
* @var boolean whether to prefix each log message with the current user
* {@link CWebUser::name name} and {@link CWebUser::id ID}. Defaults to false.
public $prefixUser = false;
* @var boolean whether to log the current user name and ID. Defaults to true.
public $logUser = true;
* @var array list of the PHP predefined variables that should be logged.
* Note that a variable must be accessible via $GLOBALS. Otherwise it won't be logged.
public $logVars = array('_GET', '_POST', '_FILES', '_COOKIE', '_SESSION', '_SERVER');
* Filters the given log messages.
* This is the main method of CLogFilter. It processes the log messages
* by adding context information, etc.
* @param array $logs the log messages
* @return array
public function filter(&$logs)
if (!empty($logs))
if (($message = $this->getContext()) !== '')
array_unshift($logs, array($message, CLogger::LEVEL_INFO, 'application', YII_BEGIN_TIME));
return $logs;
* Formats the log messages.
* The default implementation will prefix each message with session ID
* if {@link prefixSession} is set true. It may also prefix each message
* with the current user's name and ID if {@link prefixUser} is true.
* @param array $logs the log messages
protected function format(&$logs)
$prefix = '';
if ($this->prefixSession && ($id = session_id()) !== '')
$prefix .= "[$id]";
if ($this->prefixUser && ($user = Yii::app()->getComponent('user', false)) !== null)
$prefix .= '[' . $user->getName() . '][' . $user->getId() . ']';
if ($prefix !== '')
foreach ($logs as &$log)
$log[0] = $prefix . ' ' . $log[0];
* Generates the context information to be logged.
* The default implementation will dump user information, system variables, etc.
* @return string the context information. If an empty string, it means no context information.
protected function getContext()
$context = array();
if ($this->logUser && ($user = Yii::app()->getComponent('user', false)) !== null)
$context[] = 'User: ' . $user->getName() . ' (ID: ' . $user->getId() . ')';
foreach ($this->logVars as $name)
if (!empty($GLOBALS[$name]))
$context[] = "\$ {$name}=" . var_export($GLOBALS[$name], true);
return implode("\n\n", $context);
\ No newline at end of file
* CProfileLogRoute class file.
* @author Qiang Xue <>
* @link
* @copyright Copyright &copy; 2008-2011 Yii Software LLC
* @license
* CProfileLogRoute displays the profiling results in Web page.
* The profiling is done by calling {@link YiiBase::beginProfile()} and {@link YiiBase::endProfile()},
* which marks the begin and end of a code block.
* CProfileLogRoute supports two types of report by setting the {@link setReport report} property:
* <ul>
* <li>summary: list the execution time of every marked code block</li>
* <li>callstack: list the mark code blocks in a hierarchical view reflecting their calling sequence.</li>
* </ul>
* @author Qiang Xue <>
* @version $Id: CProfileLogRoute.php 3204 2011-05-05 21:36:32Z alexander.makarow $
* @package system.logging
* @since 1.0
class CProfileLogRoute extends CWebLogRoute
* @var boolean whether to aggregate results according to profiling tokens.
* If false, the results will be aggregated by categories.
* Defaults to true. Note that this property only affects the summary report
* that is enabled when {@link report} is 'summary'.
* @since 1.0.6
public $groupByToken = true;
* @var string type of profiling report to display
private $_report = 'summary';
* Initializes the route.
* This method is invoked after the route is created by the route manager.
public function init()
$this->levels = CLogger::LEVEL_PROFILE;
* @return string the type of the profiling report to display. Defaults to 'summary'.
public function getReport()
return $this->_report;
* @param string $value the type of the profiling report to display. Valid values include 'summary' and 'callstack'.
public function setReport($value)
if ($value === 'summary' || $value === 'callstack')
$this->_report = $value;
throw new CException(Yii::t('yii', ' "{report}" is invalid. Valid values include "summary" and "callstack".',
array('{report}' => $value)));
* Displays the log messages.
* @param array $logs list of log messages
public function processLogs($logs)
$app = Yii::app();
if (!($app instanceof CWebApplication) || $app->getRequest()->getIsAjaxRequest())
if ($this->getReport() === 'summary')
* Displays the callstack of the profiling procedures for display.
* @param array $logs list of logs
protected function displayCallstack($logs)
$stack = array();
$results = array();
$n = 0;
foreach ($logs as $log)
if ($log[1] !== CLogger::LEVEL_PROFILE)
$message = $log[0];
if (!strncasecmp($message, 'begin:', 6))
$log[0] = substr($message, 6);
$log[4] = $n;
$stack[] = $log;
elseif (!strncasecmp($message, 'end:', 4))
$token = substr($message, 4);
if (($last = array_pop($stack)) !== null && $last[0] === $token)
$delta = $log[3] - $last[3];
$results[$last[4]] = array($token, $delta, count($stack));
throw new CException(Yii::t('yii', 'CProfileLogRoute found a mismatching code block "{token}". Make sure the calls to Yii::beginProfile() and Yii::endProfile() be properly nested.',
array('{token}' => $token)));
// remaining entries should be closed here
$now = microtime(true);
while (($last = array_pop($stack)) !== null)
$results[$last[4]] = array($last[0], $now - $last[3], count($stack));
$this->render('profile-callstack', $results);
* Displays the summary report of the profiling result.
* @param array $logs list of logs
protected function displaySummary($logs)
$stack = array();
foreach ($logs as $log)
if ($log[1] !== CLogger::LEVEL_PROFILE)
$message = $log[0];
if (!strncasecmp($message, 'begin:', 6))
$log[0] = substr($message, 6);
$stack[] = $log;
elseif (!strncasecmp($message, 'end:', 4))
$token = substr($message, 4);
if (($last = array_pop($stack)) !== null && $last[0] === $token)
$delta = $log[3] - $last[3];
if (!$this->groupByToken)
$token = $log[2];
if (isset($results[$token]))
$results[$token] = $this->aggregateResult($results[$token], $delta);
$results[$token] = array($token, 1, $delta, $delta, $delta);
throw new CException(Yii::t('yii', 'CProfileLogRoute found a mismatching code block "{token}". Make sure the calls to Yii::beginProfile() and Yii::endProfile() be properly nested.',
array('{token}' => $token)));
$now = microtime(true);
while (($last = array_pop($stack)) !== null)
$delta = $now - $last[3];
$token = $this->groupByToken ? $last[0] : $last[2];
if (isset($results[$token]))
$results[$token] = $this->aggregateResult($results[$token], $delta);
$results[$token] = array($token, 1, $delta, $delta, $delta);
$entries = array_values($results);
$func = create_function('$a,$b', 'return $a[4]<$b[4]?1:0;');
usort($entries, $func);
$this->render('profile-summary', $entries);
* Aggregates the report result.
* @param array $result log result for this code block
* @param float $delta time spent for this code block
* @return array
protected function aggregateResult($result, $delta)
list($token, $calls, $min, $max, $total) = $result;
if ($delta < $min)
$min = $delta;
elseif ($delta > $max)
$max = $delta;
$total += $delta;
return array($token, $calls, $min, $max, $total);
\ No newline at end of file
* Router class file.
* @author Qiang Xue <>
* @link
* @copyright Copyright &copy; 2008-2012 Yii Software LLC
* @license
namespace yii\logging;
* Router manages [[Target|log targets]] that record log messages in different media.
* For example, a [[FileTarget|file log target]] records log messages
* in files; an [[EmailTarget|email log target]] sends log messages
* to specific email addresses. Each log target may specify filters on
* message levels and categories to record specific messages only.
* Router and the targets it manages may be configured in application configuration,
* like the following:
* ~~~
* array(
* // preload log component when application starts
* 'preload' => array('log'),
* 'components' => array(
* 'log' => array(
* 'class' => '\yii\logging\Router',
* 'targets' => array(
* 'file' => array(
* 'class' => '\yii\logging\FileTarget',
* 'levels' => 'trace, info',
* 'categories' => 'yii\*',
* ),
* 'email' => array(
* 'class' => '\yii\logging\EmailTarget',
* 'levels' => 'error, warning',
* 'emails' => array(''),
* ),
* ),
* ),
* ),
* )
* ~~~
* Each log target can have a name and can be referenced via the [[targets]] property
* as follows:
* ~~~
* \Yii::app()->log->targets['file']->enabled = false;
* ~~~
* @author Qiang Xue <>
* @since 2.0
class Router extends \yii\base\ApplicationComponent
private $_targets;
* Constructor.
public function __construct()
$this->_targets = new \yii\base\Dictionary;
* Initializes this application component.
* This method is invoked when the Router component is created by the application.
* The method attaches the [[processLogs]] method to both the [[Logger::onFlush]] event
* and the [[\yii\base\Application::onEndRequest]] event.
public function init()
\Yii::getLogger()->attachEventHandler('onFlush', array($this, 'processMessages'));
if (($app = \Yii::app()) !== null) {
$app->attachEventHandler('onEndRequest', array($this, 'processMessages'));
* Returns the log targets managed by this log router.
* The keys of the dictionary are the names of the log targets.
* You can use the name to access a specific log target. For example,
* ~~~
* $target = $router->targets['file'];
* ~~~
* @return \yii\base\Dictionary the targets managed by this log router.
public function getTargets()
return $this->_targets;
* Sets the log targets.
* @param array $config list of log target configurations. Each array element
* represents the configuration for creating a single log target. It will be
* passed to [[\Yii::createComponent]] to create the target instance.
public function setTargets($config)
foreach ($config as $name => $target) {
if ($target instanceof Target) {
$this->_targets[$name] = $target;
else {
$this->_targets[$name] = \Yii::createComponent($target);
* Retrieves and processes log messages from the system logger.
* This method mainly serves the event handler to [[Logger::onFlush]]
* and [[\yii\base\Application::onEndRequest]] events.
* It will retrieve the available log messages from the [[\Yii::getLogger|system logger]]
* and invoke the registered [[targets|log targets]] to do the actual processing.
* @param \yii\base\Event $event event parameter
public function processMessages($event)
$logger = Yii::getLogger();
$export = !isset($event->params['export']) || $event->params['export'];
foreach ($this->_targets as $target) {
if ($target->enabled) {
$target->processMessages($logger, $export);
* Target class file.
* @author Qiang Xue <>
* @link
* @copyright Copyright &copy; 2008-2012 Yii Software LLC
* @license
namespace yii\logging;
* Target is the base class for all log target classes.
* A log target object retrieves log messages from a logger and sends it
* somewhere, such as files, emails.
* The messages being retrieved may be filtered first before being sent
* to the destination. The filters include log level filter and log category filter.
* To specify level filter, set {@link levels} property,
* which takes a string of comma-separated desired level names (e.g. 'Error, Debug').
* To specify category filter, set {@link categories} property,
* which takes a string of comma-separated desired category names (e.g. 'System.Web, System.IO').
* Level filter and category filter are combinational, i.e., only messages
* satisfying both filter conditions will they be returned.
* @author Qiang Xue <>
* @since 2.0
abstract class Target extends \yii\base\Component implements \yii\base\Initable
* @var boolean whether to enable this log target. Defaults to true.
public $enabled = true;
* @var string list of levels separated by comma or space. Defaults to empty, meaning all levels.
public $levels;
* @var string list of categories separated by comma or space. Defaults to empty, meaning all categories.
public $categories;
* @var string list of categories that should be excluded.
public $excludeCategories;
* @var mixed the additional filter (eg {@link CLogFilter}) that can be applied to the log messages.
* The value of this property will be passed to {@link Yii::createComponent} to create
* a log filter object. As a result, this can be either a string representing the
* filter class name or an array representing the filter configuration.
* In general, the log filter class should be {@link CLogFilter} or a child class of it.
* Defaults to null, meaning no filter will be used.
public $filter;
* @var array the messages that are collected so far by this log target.
public $messages;
* Pre-initializes this component.
* This method is required by the [[Initable]] interface. It is invoked by
* [[\Yii::createComponent]] after its creates the new component instance but
* BEFORE the component properties are initialized.
* You may override this method to do work such as setting property default values.
public function preinit()
* Initializes this component.
* This method is invoked after the component is created and its property values are
* initialized.
public function init()
* Formats a log message given different fields.
* @param string $message message content
* @param integer $level message level
* @param string $category message category
* @param integer $time timestamp
* @return string formatted message
protected function formatMessage($message, $level, $category, $time)
return @date('Y/m/d H:i:s', $time) . " [$level] [$category] $message\n";
* Retrieves filtered log messages from logger for further processing.
* @param CLogger $logger logger instance
* @param boolean $processLogs whether to process the messages after they are collected from the logger
public function processMessages($logger, $export)
$messages = $logger->getLogs($this->levels, $this->categories);
$this->messages = empty($this->messages) ? $messages : array_merge($this->messages, $messages);
if ($processLogs && !empty($this->messages))
if ($this->filter !== null)
$this->messages = array();
protected function filterMessages($levels = '', $categories = '')
$this->_levels = preg_split('/[\s,]+/', strtolower($levels), -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
$this->_categories = preg_split('/[\s,]+/', strtolower($categories), -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
if (empty($levels) && empty($categories))
return $this->_logs;
elseif (empty($levels))
return array_values(array_filter(array_filter($this->_logs, array($this, 'filterByCategory'))));
elseif (empty($categories))
return array_values(array_filter(array_filter($this->_logs, array($this, 'filterByLevel'))));
$ret = array_values(array_filter(array_filter($this->_logs, array($this, 'filterByLevel'))));
return array_values(array_filter(array_filter($ret, array($this, 'filterByCategory'))));
* Filter function used by {@link getLogs}
* @param array $value element to be filtered
* @return array valid log, false if not.
protected function filterByCategory($value)
foreach ($this->_categories as $category)
$cat = strtolower($value[2]);
if ($cat === $category || (($c = rtrim($category, '.*')) !== $category && strpos($cat, $c) === 0))
return $value;
return false;
* Filter function used by {@link getLogs}
* @param array $value element to be filtered
* @return array valid log, false if not.
protected function filterByLevel($value)
return in_array(strtolower($value[1]), $this->_levels) ? $value : false;
* Processes log messages and sends them to specific destination.
* Derived child classes must implement this method.
* @param array $messages list of messages. Each array elements represents one message
* with the following structure:
* array(
* [0] => message (string)
* [1] => level (string)
* [2] => category (string)
* [3] => timestamp (float, obtained by microtime(true));
abstract protected function processLogs($messages);
* CWebLogRoute class file.
* @author Qiang Xue <>
* @link
* @copyright Copyright &copy; 2008-2011 Yii Software LLC
* @license
* CWebLogRoute shows the log content in Web page.
* The log content can appear either at the end of the current Web page
* or in FireBug console window (if {@link showInFireBug} is set true).
* @author Qiang Xue <>
* @version $Id: CWebLogRoute.php 3001 2011-02-24 16:42:44Z alexander.makarow $
* @package system.logging
* @since 1.0
class CWebLogRoute extends CLogRoute
* @var boolean whether the log should be displayed in FireBug instead of browser window. Defaults to false.
public $showInFireBug = false;
* @var boolean whether the log should be ignored in FireBug for ajax calls. Defaults to true.
* This option should be used carefully, because an ajax call returns all output as a result data.
* For example if the ajax call expects a json type result any output from the logger will cause ajax call to fail.
public $ignoreAjaxInFireBug = true;
* Displays the log messages.
* @param array $logs list of log messages
public function processLogs($logs)
$this->render('log', $logs);
* Renders the view.
* @param string $view the view name (file name without extension). The file is assumed to be located under framework/data/views.
* @param array $data data to be passed to the view
protected function render($view, $data)
$app = Yii::app();
$isAjax = $app->getRequest()->getIsAjaxRequest();
if ($this->showInFireBug)
if ($isAjax && $this->ignoreAjaxInFireBug)
$view .= '-firebug';
elseif (!($app instanceof CWebApplication) || $isAjax)
$viewFile = YII_PATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'views' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $view . '.php';
include($app->findLocalizedFile($viewFile, 'en'));
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